This unnamed Delta 3D Printer is a work in progress, and may never get finished..
Budget 1500mm OpenBuilds V-Slot Deltabot Build
Build in 'Delta Bots' published by dodgenet, Jan 24, 2017.
This 1500mm tall Delta is a work in progress. The triangle corners are water jetted from 1" 6061 Aluminum, and are welded to 1" square tubing. The 1500mm OpenBuilds 20x20 V-Slot extrusions are held into the corner brackets by two stainless steel set screws per bracket. This printer will need to be reinforced with wall brackets due to the combination of height/materials.
- Build Progress:
- Build in Progress...
snokid and Mark Carew like this. -
Build Author dodgenet, Find all builds by dodgenet
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Build Details
- Build License:
- CC - Attribution - CC BY
Reason for this Build
I just wanted a project... Not to mention an affordable Deltabot with a large build volume.Inspired by
OpenBuilds Parts Store V-Slot Extrusions, Delta printers in general.. -
Parts list
Qty Part Name Part Link Comments 3 1500mm OpenBuilds 20x20 V-Slot Extrusion Link The heart of the build - V-Slot Extrusions are far superior to T-Slot for linear motion