Final version of the Sand_O_maten.
More Tests with the new Version of the Sprycalkheat wit 750ml Cans and 0.3mm Nozzel-
Now with 7 inch touchdisplay, complete Standalone with Bosch 18V Li Accus from the Accu tool series from Bosch (have stuck of the machines and correspondingly many Accus). With a 4Ah Accu, the machine runs for about 3h.
The dosing device for the sand is completely reworked, the valve is now sitting down so the hardly still sand creek is there.
Sandspur thickness can be adjusted via replaceable nozzles made of POM.
Working area is Y 800mm X is limited only by the space (tested to 10m) or alternatively there are still 1500mm wide rails then Y goes to 1300mm.
First pictures of the Spraycalkhead in Version 0.2
Spray chalk head the first run
After some back and forth now the first attempts with the Spraycalk Head on the Sand and Spraycalk Machine.
Not so nice is the consumption of spray, 2 doses for the first try is not just so cheap.
But ... the mechanics and the quick-change system work excellently.
The thing with the consumption we will tackle with larger can (750 ml instead of 400 ml, which also fit into the receptacle) and a modified nozzle 0.3 instead of about 0.6 mm.
We are good things that this works well
And really ... the under-floor lighting is not really cool
CNC Sand and Spraycalk drawmaschine
Build in 'Paint Bots' published by kallibaba, Jun 11, 2017.
A little CNC Sand and Spraycalk drawmaschine More and details in the next weeks
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Daren Richardson, manijac, Sniffles and 21 others like this. -
Build Author kallibaba, Find all builds by kallibaba
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