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      Looking for a set of lasercut parts to build one? Clockwerk Mech offering at $400 incl shipping in the US
      Now that FreeBurn-1 is up and running (see http://openbuilds.com/builds/openbuilds-freeburn-1-v-slot-co2-laser-60-100w.1001/)

      I think it's time to start working on my 4th iteration of a lasercutter design: FreeBurn-2-Mini

      The Mini is a much smaller (900x650mm desktop footprint) machine that offers approximately 600x400mm work area, with a 40-50w tube (larger tubes need a longer body - so you would be better off building a FreeBurn-1 style machine if you want higher wattage)

      Furthermore, the Mini will use a lot more lasercut/waterjetted metal sheeting (yes I hear you - but trust me every big town has a shop just hunt them down) with some strategic bends. Also, a BIG challenge is to make the whole design be bolt-together. If I could use spot welds my job would be a lot easier but then that would make reproducing the machine / packing as a kit / later disassembly impossible - and I'm not prepared to compromise those. No the FreeBurn-2 Mini will need nothing but a few bolts to assemble!

      The sheetmetal frame will be easier to align than a FreeBurn-v1

      So where do we kickoff this project?

      1. 20 Jan 2015: Release the first render
      2. 20-25 Jan 2015: Cleanup design - all those buttjoints have to change to planned bends with radii allowances and holes so all the panels can bolt together. I also need to draw the lid and z axis
      3. Jan-Feb - finish drawings and ordered first prototype, plugin for sketchup to laser-gcode, etc - see the discussions tab for details
      4. 19 Feb 2015: Alpha machine frame built! Released beta files for early adopters
      5. 9 March 2015: Electronics prototype phase
      6. On the hunt for a cheap US based supplier to lasercut and bend frames.
      7. Saving up for the tube + PSU

      8. April 2014 - first movements

      9. April 2014 - kickoff efforts to build a ChiliPeppr.com workspace to control the machine with

      2015 - 12.jpg

      Donations received:
      Alex Lee: USD $50 - Thanks Alex!
      SevenBlue.com: USD $20 - Thanks Anthony Webb!
      Dave M: USD$50 - Thanks Dave!

      Donald D Parker: USD$10 - Thanks Donald!
      Miquel LluĂ­s Domingo Roca: USD$20 - Thanks Miquel!
      Matthew Kusak: USD25 - Thanks Matthew!
      Adam Glazer: USD$35 - Thanks Adam!
      James K Rivera: USD$10 - Thanks James!
      Larry M Mackey: USD$20 - Thanks www.LarrysAlaska.com!
      Area 51 CNC Parts: USD$25 - Thanks http://area51cncparts.com!
      Mark Carew: USD$180 Store Credit - Thanks http://openbuildspartstore.com!
      Mario Rauseo: USD$50 - Thanks Mario!
      Dave Hylands: USD$200 - Thanks Dave https://plus.google.com/ DaveHylands/posts
      James Rivera: USD$55 - Thanks James!
      www.smw3d.com - USD$75.56 worth of leadscrew parts + Shipping - Thanks Brandon!


      If you could post a URL to your website/Google Plus or Facebook profile on the donation page it would make my shoutout to you much easier :) - or just Google Plus or comment in thread

      Detailed Project Log and tonnes more pictures: Click the Discussion tab above

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      Evgeniy, silopolis, Hytech2k and 4 others like this.
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    Build License:
    • CC - Attribution Share Alike - CC BY SA

    Reason for this Build

    Lower cost, prettier looks for the office (aka less of a wife irritability factor)
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