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So here is my re-imagining of the XY Idlers. I have made the holes more generic so that the left and right are exact mirrors. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
I got the glass and a glass cutter for less than $10 at Lowes. The glass was super easy to cut.
I have already remodeled allot of it. I have changed some of the design. I will post some images later.
Is there that much of a savings? Do you thing it weakens the structure at all? Why do you not just print the hole?
I have a m5 tap
My first question was about the blue circles. What is the part in red for? [ATTACH]
@Carl Feniak looking at the XYIdlers and the XY Motor Mounts you have a 10mm hex on the outside of the rail housing. What purpose does this serve?
Do you think a 3 wheel plate work 2 top, 1 bottom middle?
@Carl Feniak Also one thing I am wondering why do you have a front and back plate on some axis not not others. In the original you did not have...
@Carl Feniak Are you printing these with 100% infill?
:eek:......:cool: No big deal I will find a use for them someday. But now I will have to save for months to afford a set of the proper bearing...
ok, great I just ordered a set of 10.
@Carl Feniak in the BOM you list F24ZZ bearing. I am having a hard time finding this. looking at the way most bearings are listed it looks like...
Hope the new LD3X showed up in good condition ;) yeah it looks great. I am waiting for my order from openbuild for some more parts before I hook...
Yeah these boards are like art!
well I am building a Prusa i3 and it is a pain. as soon as I get it working good I will print these parts then I am going to sell it and build a...
@Justin Edwards well you where right.. I HATE ACRYLIC!! I am thinking of ordering this kit...
@Carl Feniak what width GT2 belt are you using?
I was going to use GT2 belt. and have the home at the bottom. also I will be hooking it up to a battery backup as we have brown out about once...
after sleeping I figured out this design was flawed. Here is the correct Core Z design. [ATTACH]