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This was the original idea, get the whole thing inside the K40 laser cutter case
Sonny what a great build. Without knowing i went the same way as you and designed almost the same parts. Im going to borrow some ideas from your...
Thats super fast. What are your speed settings?
Andrew V2 does not require to install anything but serial communication. So go install SPJS GitHub - chilipeppr/serial-port-json-server:...
You can get a compatible smoothie board. Many available.
Nice one. Try using Laserweb for machine/laser control.
Adam, do you have any other means of communication? Maybe hangouts? I want to help you troubleshoot your issue with the board
DAMMMMM, its really nice. If you cant connect to the rumba there something using the port. Could be Aurduine IDE still connected. Come on i want...
Awesome build. How is it going?
hi all. What software are you using for engraving?
That happens to me as I was seeing temp drops inmediatly the PLA fan started working, so a have disabled that for now to try and figure out...
I'm running repetier firmware and haven't found the command to run PID. I will verify my S3D setting just to make sure everything it's ok....
The extruder stepper keeps spinning just the filament does not come out. That's way I did more than 500mm software extrusion to see if the...
Trublu. Yes fan is always on directly to 12v. I thought of that and set retraction to 0 fearing that it was jamming the extruder, but still it...
Guys I'm having problems with the extruder. It's an e3d v6 universal. I start a print and goes well until a couple of layers then it stops...
Guys what do you make of these? I printed a bunch of cubes and they all have blubs almost reaching each corner. Now I tested a cylinder and it...