Hans Christian Thisen submitted a new resource: 80mm Spindle Mount - HC design - 3 way mix - Spindle Mount for 1.5 kW watercooled Chinese spindle Read more about this resource...
Sorry for the late update. The mount fits but... the space for the nut is too small and will have to be drilled out to fit a regular 5mm locking nut. I will upload a new version that will counter the issue. Br HC
Hans Christian Thisen updated 80mm Spindle Mount - HC design with a new update entry: Added space for locking Nut "nylock" Read the rest of this update entry...
These look great and I like the idea of 2 mounts versus the 1 clunky mount that comes with the spindle Will these mount directly to the c-beam on a 1010 lead or will they require a plate ? Could you say what material these are made with ? Thank you for sharing this !