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Bright Box Cartesian Printer

Discussion in '3D printers' started by Darren Ditto, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. Darren Ditto


    Nov 18, 2014
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    Darren Ditto published a new build:

    Read more about this build...
  2. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Really nice work on this build @Darren Ditto your model looks fantastic!
    keep up the good work
  3. Keith Davis

    Keith Davis Veteran

    Dec 11, 2013
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    Looking at the photo for your belt and pinion design it occurred to me that a belt and pinion design moving the rail rather than the motor would be a way to build a Printrbot concept printer with V-Slot. I'm not a fan of the Printrbot design concept, but someone else may see an opportunity here.

    The back panel, is it designed to remove the spool and it's holder for replacing the spool, or is that done from the front of the box door?
  4. Darren Ditto


    Nov 18, 2014
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    The back panel was originally designed to slide up, and off. It would hold the spool, the stepper motor, and the Bowden extruder, and provide enough access to change the filament. One would slide it up, pop it out, rest it on one hand while pulling pulling the filament out with the other. I am not too sure of how strong this slotted design will be using the 3/16 acrylic (4.3 mm actual thickness). I might try a different way, perhaps bottom hinges and a slide up like I have on the front or perhaps just make if a solid back panel and access it through the front. I haven't laser cut my acrylic so I have a bit of time to decide. (If I change it I will update the design.)
  5. Mehman Jamalov

    Guest Builder

    Looks amazing build, I have some question. Sorry for annoying :)
    1. Can I make it a little bit wider (1020mm x 1020mm x 500mm)?
    2. Where can I get part's list?
    Thank You a lot for sharing such beautiful build :)
  6. Darren Ditto


    Nov 18, 2014
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    Thanks for the positive feedback. I am more than happy to answer questions.

    The issue with dimensions... I have access to a laser cutter that can cut a piece that is 610mm x 305mm which restricted the dimensions. (That and I wanted to move it.) I could have made smaller panels but I didn't want to piece together a bunch of individual cuts of acrylic to cover the entire surface. I'm using the acrylic to make the structure more rigid. Also, the acrylic has laser cut screw holes and vents which would be difficult to do manually. If you have a laser cutter capable of larger dimensions then it would be a piece of cake to scale the shell up to fit a larger frame. As a side note: the frame uses 2020 t-slot instead of v-slot. It is cheaper and I could source it locally.

    The issue with the parts list is: 1) I haven't fully finalize the build, I'm still dithering on some last minute details, 2) I didn't purchase everything through OpenBuilds so the parts I used may not be easily available.

    My goal once I have finalized everything is to update the reference design to use parts entirely from the OpenBuilds.com. I'll then publish the entire parts list. In the mean time, I'd just use the SketchUp file. I've put everything including screws on different layers so you can show and hide them as needed to do counts and measurements.

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