Several questions that weren't on the box or included instructions. Current Situation Report: Open builds C-Beam machine has been setup, squared, and router installed. The XPro board is working fine, runs and jogs the system with GRBL panel. Default board and GRBL panel setting are still as they were when installed, on top of a fresh install of Windows 10. Need to plain the spoil board Ok so I load up fusion snap out a 9 x 9 x .5 inch block go over to cam, select the face plane, set up a tool path to run a standard square, and send out the g-code. I have been trying the generic GRBL setting in fusion, and from there... set zero on the machine, send out a dry run. It seems like I'm getting some sort of setup instruction in the code that makes it go rouge for a second or two because after that it follows the path as pre determined by gremlins and drivers that run auto desks magical program. Now I could just lop of the first chuck of code tell machine zero here. Bring up the z axis about an inch. In place of the deleted code tell it to plunge down to the depth I want and follow the rest of the code, but that doesn't help when things get really complicated. I figure I must be doing something wrong. I found these CNC instructions:
If you haven't, you might uncheck the "Use G28" box in the Post setup. However, I might give the Stroom post-processor a try myself as I don't like the way the generic post handles the initial move to the tool path. (Doesn't move to safe height first - can work around it, but shouldn't have to.) Other than that, I haven't had any problems with it yet.
After writing the above, I found this other thread here: Fusion 360 It's worth reading the whole thing. I might go back to using G28....
Does anyone know of a good Grbl 1.1 post for the OpenBuilds Machine Driver? I've tried the one here GitHub - Strooom/GRBL-Post-Processor: Start but it is for Grbl 0.9f. In any case, I gave it shot by updating the cps file to fit the workbee 1010, but it is not working right. In the OpenBuildsMachineDriver simulator (and CNC) the movement is very very slow.
Stroooms post does work with GRBL 1.1 so does my fork of it swarfer/GRBL-Post-Processor which solves some issues with small arcs and G28 (you should not need to change anything in the cps file, the machine size parameters are on the parameters dialog in Fusion) if your sim and machine are moving slow is is because YOU have not set the feedrate in the Fusion CAM before generating the Gcode. (or maybe your max travel rates in GRBL have not been set correctly?)
Late last night I played with it some more and found out that Fusion360 was causing the problem. I had the correct feed rates and settings, so I think the CAM setup got corrupted when I changed units or changed tool operations. In any case I deleted the CAM setup, recreated again with the same values and tool, and it worked as expected. I postprocessed using YOUR cps, did an air cut, and it worked fine. Thanks again for all the help.
Hello, I am having issues find how to create my own post but I see this here and I could use some help as well. I have finished my WordBee 2510 and the Hello World cut perfectly. I have build out my word in Fusion 360 and I have converted everything in the Fusion360 Cam. I have loaded and used the Strooom Post Processor. I load the cam into OpenBuilds Driver. As soon as I start the run the Z plunges. I homed the Machine and set the safe 0,0,0 prior to starting the run. Attached are the files created with the Strooom Post Proceser. Thanks for the help.
Your CAM is in inches. Change it to mm. The swarfer version of the stroom post will warn you about that: swarfer/GRBL-Post-Processor
Does that mean I need to redo my design in mm and always use mm? Or switching to mm in the cam with do the conversion? Sorry to the newbie questions.
No. When you post, there is a selection for "Unit" in the lower left. Change that from Document to MM.
I am moving your post files into my Fusion and I will redo my cam files and do you mentioned. Thank you for your time and I will let you know how it goes.