Hey there, Last year I have build the Lead 1515 CNC. I use it with a plasma setup. (Hypertherm 45 xp) It works great, I am really happy with it. I did use mainly Opencam to generate my gcode. But one day I thought that I could improve the gcode so I wrote some python scritps to make things better. The first script was written to diminish the number of points on all the curves. So I used the Visvalingam-Wyatt simplification algorithm (I used it instead of the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker simplification). It gave great result and allowed my to push the speed closer my plasma torch's specs. The second script I wrote was about optimizing the order of the cuts. I think Opencam queue the cuts from the smallest to the biggest. I ended using the well known travelling salesman problem algorithm to limit unnecessary travel of the head. It Makes the work quicker more efficient and so on.... I had been quite happy with those scripts. Until one day, I discovered the AcrwelderLib library on Github. This was a game changer, since the script from AcrwelderLib trades many lines of G1 code to 1 single line of G2 or G3. Most of my gcode files were halve after that. At that point I did really pushed the LEAD 1515 speed even more. Recently I stumbled over a post about generating gcode straight from Inkscape. I had tried longtime ago, without any success, but I thought why the hell not ? Lets give it an other shot. I had a good hour of trying and error until I figured out how to do. The result in an optimized gcode that needs really few modification, maybe just to add the Plasma: Touch-Off code and optimize some others things like speed... I also discovered (thanks to this forum) that one cannot round too much G2/G3 commands, otherwise you get the infamous Error 33. The good thing with Inkscape, is that in generate pretty optimized gcode and also takes care of the order of the cuts, so I don't need any other library other than the script to make it LEAD1515 compatible which is really not much. So now untils the next break through, for me at least it's Inkscape For the win.
I forgot to add one thing about the Inkscape gcode generator. It's that you can also choose lead In / Lead Out for each cuts and for clean cut edges it's really important to be able to choose the starting and ending points.