Hi Paul, I'm interested in how you got the auto squaring working. I have the Lead1515 and use the XPro V5 and CNCjs. At the moment I have one limit switch per axis. I'm keen to get auto squaring working on the Y axis. I thought this required changes to the firmware and for the upstream grbl code to be modified to support this. How have you got this working? Thanks, Allistar.
Hi @Allistar, As directed by SparkConcepts via their GitHub Issues page, I needed to re-compile the firmware. Only trouble is, after a re-compile the Auto-Squaring is working, but I am getting an error on the controller causing the controller to continually reset after initiating an M3 command to start the spindle. This GitHub issue explains what to change in the src files to re-compile and enable Y2 limit switch. Y2 Limit Switch not registering · Issue #85 · Spark-Concepts/xPro-V5 Follow the above thread and the below OpenBuilds forum thread to see how I fix the spindle issue (PS. this is a work in progress, it's currently un-resolved) xPro v5 kernel panic after firmware compile