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Looking at a rebuild for frame with questions

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by Norm Benjamin, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. Norm Benjamin


    Nov 2, 2014
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    I have decided to retire my existing router and upgrade to what I hope to be a better performing machine and more reliable. I will use my existing machine where I can to make the necessary parts once I can make up my mind what materials to use.

    The solid wheel with bearings I have no idea what sort of load they can handle looks like an easy solution to travel but I need some information about loading and wear. The material I am reading about and seeing in some of the units for lack of a better description "plastic" not sure about the strength of that material either.

    I am convinced most of my problem is not as much bearings as it is weight on the bearings. I am needing to greatly reduce the gantry weight but maintain rigidity. I need a 4" Z axis height and all this might mean aluminum parts rather than plastic unless I can get a feel for the strength of the plastic material.

    any advice or information will be greatly appreciated as I have the design in mind now it's materials to get the job done.

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