I was trying to create a grid of ventilation holes for a audio chassis top and set up a 279 by 333 mm grid with 26 and 21 holes respectively. After pressing the Ctrl key and clicking on the guide in the lower left corner, (I set guides in all four corners for reference.) and entering in the above information on the screen. The result was a hole displayed in only the four corners only. No view of the other 542 (546-4) holes on the screen. To test this I generated gcode for the grid and ran the code on bCNC with the same result. Wondering if I had crossed a threshold with the number of holes I reduced the grid to four holes each way (16) and obtained the same result. A hole at each grid corner. Any ideas what's going on?
After reviewing the documentation I realized that the software was not making the calculation of spacing between holes, which I assumed it was doing. I had entered the dimensions of the grid and the number of holes that I wanted horizontally and vertically, and assumed that the software would figure out the spacing between holes. In reality, the software wanted me to make that calculation and wanted me to enter in the spacing between holes. While I now understand what the software wants, it is not how the program should operate. The spacing between holes is something that the software can easily do on the fly and makes data entry unnecessarily complex.