I have an unused Smoothieboard 5xC for sale. I purchased this for a 3D printer build that I have yet to start. I have decided to focus my attention on redesigning and rebuilding my OX CNC instead. Selling this board will help fund my upgrades. Here are the details: Smoothieboard 5xC – 5 driver version with polarized presoldered connectors. includes switching regulator DC to DC 5V 1.0 amp version: provides 5V power to Smoothieboard and LCD display from stepper motor power supply (up to 28V). This regulator has been soldered in place. Includes Smoothieboard GLCD Shield and a Reprap Discount graphic LCD display panel. The current retail price for these options is $245.91 plus shipping. NO longer for sale. I connected the board to my laptop to capture the following console output: Connecting... Smoothie Printer is now online. >>>@version SENDING:version Build version: edge-580cad4, Build date: Jan 15 2015 04:05:25, MCU: LPC1769, System Clock: 120MHz >>>@mem SENDING:mem Unused Heap: 10336 bytes Used Heap Size: 16104 Allocated: 7540, Free: 7620 Total Free RAM: 17956 bytes Free AHB0: 14256, AHB1: 10440
A couple of updates: I soldered the header pins for the GLCD shield, updated to current firmware, installed a delta 3D printer configuration and took the following pictures: No longer for sale... Thanks..