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Timelapse-Slider - Need help please :)

Discussion in 'Other Builds' started by Andreas Zrenner, May 31, 2015.

  1. Andreas Zrenner


    Mar 5, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Hi there!

    Im completely new here. Since a few months ago, i want to self-build a timelapse-slider. In this case i found the openbuilds-partstore. I think these Parts are the best solution for my project. But i need some help please.

    I don't know exactly wich parts i should use. My slider should be built out of the 20x20x1500 V-Slot rail with a Mini-V-Wheel-Plate. For this plate, i don't know exactly wich are the right parts (eccentric spacers, alu-spacers, screws etc). I'm a mechanical construction egnineer who's working with Solid Edge. For this CAD-System i don't found suitable 3D-Models. For example, if i use the 25mm screws + 6mm alu-spacers +1mm precision shim + Mini-V-Wheel, i dont find a bearing 3D-Model that fits properly. I dont get a lock-nut on the screw because it's to short.

    Where can i find the right 3D-Models in a Format, that can be opened with Solid Edge? Are there any detailed technical drawings, so that i can build the parts in Solid Edge by myself. I would also upload them. Maybe there are some other guys who needs parts for Solid Edge.

    Please excuse me, im not very practiced in speaking English :)

    Thanks for youre Help!

    best regards
  2. Mauricio Solid


    Feb 17, 2015
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    Hi andreas, i have a lot of parts in solidworks format, but are you already tried to export sketchup to Solid Edge? SketchUp to STL and then STL to Solid Edge
  3. Andreas Zrenner


    Mar 5, 2015
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    Sorry for my late answer. I'm very busy at work at the moment. Thanks for you're answer!

    Yes I tried, but these exportet STL's don't fit well if i import it in Solid Edge. They are no longer real parts, just a accumulation of lines, points and surfaces.
  4. Mauricio Solid


    Feb 17, 2015
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    In fact that's the real nature of the Stl files a bunch of triangles and all that mesh stuff, when i import stl to solidworks the program run an import manager later i use another tool called 'operations recognition' in this step of the process solidworks recognizes what operations should will use in each process to create complex shapes or pieces, operations like: extrude shapes, cut, drill holes, etc. When this process get it done you 'll get a piece almost done but maybe isn't what you're looking for. The last and more important step to get a good 3D model fully imported is redraw the shapes (circles or circular shapes made of lines instead the nice and precise vectorial lines that we are used to ).
    Use a 3 points reference method to redraw the circles or better use the drill operation to repair the errors from the stl and the sketchup design, yes the sketchup files are for reference only not for precision or accurate designs this is not a cad issue, sketchup is nicely precise software but the models made by openbuilds sometimes are 'as is' without some details 'millimeter details' then delete the lines to prevent conflict between operations.
    If you need other dimension or cross references between models or builds
    mail me at [email protected] for any suggestion or if you get success in this process it would be nice to put here in the forums
    #4 Mauricio Solid, Jun 9, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2015

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