Hello Guys, I hope to be posting on the correct section... Its my first time desingning a 3D printer.. I currently own a Tevo Tarantula Customized and want to build a Core XY printer like the Tronxy x5s 400... I wanted to asked you guys for the X and Y Movement, I see that the Tronxy uses a belt system that moves the XY as a whole: But what I was thinking of was to have a Motor on the same X frame moving exclusively the HotEnd and to have a centered Motor to move the Y Axis, something like this: (Sorry for the paint drawing ) The X axis is a 2040 running on top of 2 linear riels MG12mm. Would like your opinion on which one you thing would work better. Thanks a lot for your time.
Hello Alex! Thanks a lot for the reply!!! I forgot to draw it... I would use another 2 pulley that would create the tension to the drive pulley. Something like: The motor would be offset a little back from the pulleys on the corners... Thanks a lot!
------------- Or now that I think of it.. I may also reaplace one corner pulley for the motor drive itself... what do you think?
Excelente Axel, thanks a lot for your reply, so what do you think? One motor for each axis, one motor on the X axis and the belt system for Y... Or the first photo of the X and Y working toghether with the same belts? Thanks a lot for your time
Not quite following you @Bofus, the drawing in your first message moves the X axis, your later drawings move the Y. The first drawing seems over complicated - I would always prefer to use one stepper per axis as it avoids the problems if two motors get out of sync. Connecting the motor directly to one of the double pulleys is good - it avoids the need for tensioning pulleys. It would probably help if you can move beyond using paint to design - try Sketchup (it's free). I can't make out the relationship between your X and Y axes at the moment. Welcome to the forum, by the way. Alex.
Alex you just gave me the answer! The idea was to choose between the first and second drawings... and you just help me decided for the second idea! I hope to finish my desing so I can publish it for everyone to check. Thanks a lot Alex! Thanks for the welcoming