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  • Build Reviews

    Rate Build
    1. Gustavo
      5 /5,
      Nice design, thanks for sharing.
    2. Bravin Neff
      5 /5,
      Looks really good. This is the kind of machine I would like to build myself.
    3. Blades
      5 /5,
      Plans would be excellent since the cadwork is so Awesome. This is a perfect evolution of the OX. Leads screws would be great and the rigid design looks promising!
    4. Bear
      5 /5,
      Amazingly well thought out and researched!
    5. Bigforkg
      5 /5,
      5 stars ++++ I am curious as to planes as well. I this is the best design i have seen yet. It looks like its a Beast for its size something that I am looking for. I purchased a " black" 1000 X 1000mm kit back in March I am not happy at all.
    6. Dmitry_An
      5 /5,
      Very good machine :)
    7. Krishnakumar
      5 /5,
      Great looking design!
      1. sgspenceley
        sgspenceley's Response
        I think the OX build is a greeting looking design, so I wanted my next machine to look great as well.
      1. sgspenceley
        sgspenceley's Response
        Thank you, it's been a fun adventure so far.
    8. sgspenceley
      Adrian Trace
      5 /5,
      I'm happy to leave my own design behind to adopt this well thought through design. Do you plan to release the CAD model and if so when? It would be a great benefit to the CNC community!
      1. sgspenceley
        sgspenceley's Response
        Adrian also have a look at this thread on cnc zone. http://www.cnczone.com/forums/diy-cnc-router-table-machines/182294-cnc-2.html It's a great looking machine expertly produced. I have recently spoke to a few expert members and they all suggest I don't need the double rail on the Y given the quality of the bearings I purchased.
      1. sgspenceley
        sgspenceley's Response
      1. sgspenceley
        sgspenceley's Response
        Thank you, it's been a fun adventure so far. When I know the design works I will seriously consider sharing the plans and the 3D model.
    9. sgspenceley
      Iwan Müller
      5 /5,
      very beautiful design
      1. sgspenceley
        sgspenceley's Response
        I seriously thought about using the igus double linear bearing like yours. It looks like such a perfect solution for an OpenBuild machine.
      1. sgspenceley
        sgspenceley's Response
        Thank you, it's been a fun adventure so far. Funny I loved your solution.
    10. sgspenceley
      5 /5,
      simply amazing - would love to emulate this build! well done. Gorgeous CAD renderings btw!
      1. sgspenceley
        sgspenceley's Response
        Thank you, it's been a fun adventure so far. I worked on special effected software from the 90s so I like to produce something that looks good. SolidWorks makes this easy
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