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  • Build Reviews

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    1. Gary Campbell
      5 /5,
      I love it. After looking at lots and lots of various designs, this is the one that I would want to build.
      1. sgspenceley
        sgspenceley's Response
        Thank you. I have spent hours and hours looking and learning. So many solutions out there. Also so many opinion on the CNC theme.
    2. sgspenceley
      mike taylor
      5 /5,
      looking good !!!
      1. sgspenceley
        sgspenceley's Response
        Very sorry Mike I replied to the wring thread. Thank you so much for your kind words.
      1. sgspenceley
        sgspenceley's Response
        Thank you, it's been a fun adventure so far. I bought items from solar.jean on eBay. I recently purchased Bosch bearing locally from a close out sale.
    3. sgspenceley
      5 /5,
      I like your complete design also with the Linear drives, can I be cheeky and ask where you bought the Screw, linear drives & round rails with bearings from China.?
      1. sgspenceley
        sgspenceley's Response
        Thank you, it's been a fun adventure so far. I bought items from solar.jean on eBay. I recently purchased Bosch bearing locally from a close out sale.
    4. sgspenceley
      5 /5,
      i like the lineat screw design
      1. sgspenceley
        sgspenceley's Response
        Thank you. I have really enjoyed designing this machine.
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