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      1. Build Progress:
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      It was a pretty easy task, but messy at first, no design on paper i just started by thinking of what I needed, I need a universal base plate for each machine I needed 3, I also needed1 quick disconnect for each tool,I also wanted to make it a breakaway, that's where the magnets come in,if you go out of boundaries it will detach
      1. Special Notes

        Be sure to follow the instructions on how to mix,or your part wii not cure right,unless you by the more expensive quick set resin,the resin i used took 24 hours to cure,so it will take a few days to make all the parts.
      Mark Carew likes this.
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  • Build Details

    Build License:
    • CC - Attribution - CC BY

    Reason for this Build

    To make it easier to change tools

    Inspired by

    Utube videos
  • Parts list

    Qty Part Name Part Link Comments
    1 Epoxy resin kit Link
    1 Magnets Link
    1 Molds Link
    1 Screws and nuts m4 Link Used for aligment
    1 Mounting screws Link
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