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  • Build Reviews

    Rate Build
    1. Stephen Cotterell
      5 /5,
      Detailed and comprehensive. Lots of relevant and useful information.
    2. Rob Mahan
      5 /5,
      Awesome build, and great writeup!
      1. T4Concepts
        T4Concepts's Response
        Thanks Rob, appreciated mate ; ) Just been reading about yours, look's like a nice solid machine as well mate. Good luck in the competition ! : ) TURK
    3. T4Concepts
      5 /5,
      Nice!! Looking forward to see how it works for you!! Impressive design and build!!
      1. T4Concepts
        T4Concepts's Response
        Apologies crnrstndes I've just seen this post ! ...... and yes, you're right, good video. I've seen quite a lot of Charley Thomas' videos, and I will go through a proper calibration of my workbee. Many thanks for the tip. TURK
      1. crnrstndes
        crnrstndes's Response
        Hi again, I did notice something in your GRBL settings that you might want to explore. When I set up my C-Beam I noticed the parts I was cutting were larger than designed. I found this video on how to calibrate the machine properly and now everything is spot on. Have a look! (I am a woodworker not a machinist but just my thoughts) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3bUg9InVeA&index=12&t=1s&list=PLL
      1. T4Concepts
        T4Concepts's Response
        Thanks mate. Yes indeed, superb design and so easy to assemble that a total nugget like me can assemble one ! Making it sing and dance should be interesting ! TURK
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