pretty sure I hooked up a z probe incorrecctly to my blackbox, I reached out to openbuilds support, but I thought I'd cross post. I hooked up the two wires one to ground and one to vcc+ and now my whole board wont respond. what can I do?
I would have thought it would pop a fuse, but it definetly smoked something. does anyone know how you can get spare brain or muscle boards to purchase?
from the part store? OpenBuilds Part Store big red link at the top of this page (on my computer anyway)!
yeah when I go there, it only gives me an option to buy the whole thing! I searched the FAQ and the manual and no where does it describe where I can buy just a single board.. just the whole thing.. which kinda defeats the purpose of when you do something stupid, like I just did I will email them; I just thought I was missing something!
AND support totally got me fixed up, bought the brain board, on their recommendation after a quick back and forth email t-shoot, shipped over the weekend, installed today and working great