Sorry to be vague but here are the details: C-Beam XL BlackBox Windows 10 build 1909 Here is the problem Using this Video Tutorial OpenBuilds LEAD Machine Electronics and Software (Using BlackBox) although its not the same unit I expect that from the Controller software setup it should be identical. So just like the video I am able to Home the machine, then went to the Open Builds Cam Gcode Generator Loaded the Hello World CNC file Sent it to the Controller software Jogged the machine and Set Zero Ran a simulation Ran a "Check Size" routine Selected "GOTO X0Y0Z0 (Work Coord)" When it went to perfrom "GOTO X0Y0Z0 (Work Coord)" routine it Triggers and Alarm and stops at X 0.06in Y0.06in, Z0.0 ( I have tried to re-run the "GOTO X0Y0Z0 (Work Coord)" routine and it does nothing... I have tried to just Set Zero from this current location and perform a Run Job, but the Head starts to move and then halts with these triggers: see attached So realize these are relative head locations, but its the only lead I have, perhaps somebody can shed some light on what triggering the issue. I have tried to find more threads on the C-Beam XL but can't really find anything becasue even though I'm am using the correct profile for it I wonder if there is some setting I might have to tweak. I have tried setting zero on multiple places on the board...however if this was the issue wouldn't it have triggered an alarm during the Check Size routine (not after when I was simply perfroming a "GOTO X0Y0Z0 (Work Coord)" routine? Thanks in advance
The Hard Limits error causes Grbl to go into Alarm. That locks out Gcode (until you resolve the cause of the alarm) Did that move make the machine touch one of the limit switches? Or was it a false trigger: see docs:blackbox:faq-emi [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Oh it was defiantly false because none of the axis are even close to their limit switches. But looking at the documentation it could theoretically be EMI bases as I have mounted both the Black box and power supply into a small metal wall mounted network cabinet and routed all the cables out the bottom, I'll open up the case and run the USB cable out and see if that changes anything.
Especially check limit switch wiring being close to mains / motor wiring as the error was related to false limits (not serial data corruption which would be the case for the USB cable) . You are using Xtension Limits yet? They have built in noise filtering too.
Yes I ordered them with the black box So just to be clear I bundled all the wiring together as it goes to my cabinet (except the power cord and usb ) cable using zip ties , would it be better if I just bundle motor with motor and limit switch respectively?
Start there as a test yes. Spacing wires apart (a foot or so) avoids nearby current carrying wires from inducing voltages into the lower voltage cables
So spent a few hour troubleshooting the problem: re-routed all of the limit switch wiring tried a different computer swapped USB cable out and the problem persisted... until... I Ran a "Check Size" routine and then when I told it to perform a "GOTO X0Y0Z0 (Work Coord)" routine it Triggered the Alarm (at this point I was watching the Z Axis and saw the problem.... The Z Gantry was too close the limit switch when I set the Z axis to Zero so when it perform "GOTO X0Y0Z0 (Work Coord) the minor drop of the Z gantry hits the limit switch, So I jogged the Z Axis up higher and set Zero again Ran a "Check Size" routine Selected "GOTO X0Y0Z0 (Work Coord) No problem. Ran the Hello World CNC as ghost job, it took about 18 mins I think, but I did notice the it Ran the job inverted, at 1st i thought it was my perspective and that it was running upside down, but then i got a pencil and paper and held the pencil on the Z axis and restarted the job and it was printing every thing backwards. I assume there is a setting I can use to address this.
...Why would the z limit be hit by the z axis going down into the work? Z limit is used to demark the top of the axis travel.
The limit switch is at the located at Bottom of the Z axis C Beam so Gantry assembly stops there instead of running down to bottom end plate. basically I could have done this on any Axis, if I was too close to the edge on the X or Y it would have done the same thing. It was a rookie mistake.
Z switch is supposed to be at the top else you wont be able to use the machine properly with Fusion's G53 moves, no proper homing, no WCS, etc Homes to top. SoftLimits stops it before it gets to the bottom. Long before the carriage hits the bottom, the router/endmill crash will already have happened
Important point here is what actuates the switch. The switch can be mounted anywhere as long as whatever operates it does so when the Z axis is at the TOP of it's travel. It is common for the workbee to have a limit switch mounted low on the X gantry plate and is then actuated by the bottom plate of the Z axis as it rises. Alex.
Yeah the video linked in my OP instructs you mount it at the bottom as well, I have the c beam xl and while the assembly guide is great it lacks the wiring and electronic portion so I have been cherry picking from other resources to complete the setup. But I'm going to move the switch to the top, it makes more sense. I also found the option in the firmware to invert the X axis, I had to rewire the end switch to the other side but at least now it copies my 3D printers. Perhaps this might need asked elsewhere but even though I've yet to run an actual job, I eventually plan to move to vcarve or something and was wondering if there are profiles for the c beam xl. If not once I'm ready should be able to configure it to work, the similarity to the 3d printers is enough to make this do able, I use Simplify 3D on with my 3D printer and as long as you plug in the correct parameters for for your bed size, etc it works fine.