that is what I do, Arduino Uno with GRBL on it right here on my desk even though my actual machine is about 4 meters behind me (-: I also have an LED/resistor across the PWM and GND pins so I know when the spindle/laser is on.
Hello to everyone, Is there a way to do a tool change when using the Openbuilds Control software? I have a C-Beam XL with a Makita router, and am using Fusion 360 for CAM. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Grbl does not support toolchanges directly, so at this time you run each tool as its own gcode file one after the other, changing the tool and rezeroing Z in between.
Is there a way to adjust the laser power settings from the drop down? When selecting to turn the laser on at 5% its sending M3 S50 and 10% is sending M3 S100. Aren't those 50% and 100% power? I'm manually entering in M3 S15 to get 15% power so I can see where the beam is for job alignment.
grbl defaults to a 0-1000 "spindle speed" option. You can set it to 0-100, 0-256 (its actual resolution), 8000-24000, or any other number you feel like, with the $30 and $31 parameters. gnea/grbl CONTROL is likely assuming you haven't changed those settings, but I don't know if it actively pulls the grbl settings to calculate the UI dropdown values.
The Dropdown scales the value of whatever you have configured for $30 in Grbl Ie, if your $30 is set to 1000 (the default) then 10% = 1000*0.1 = M3S100 and 50% = 1000*0.5 = M3S500 Internally Grbl takes the S-value and scales it into PWM (between 0 and 255 as it's an 8 Bit MCU) and outputs the signal for example, if it received M3S500 and $30=1000, then 500/1000 = 0.5 * 255 = PWM127 (50% duty cycle) So no, that is an S-value not a percentage - refer to a) $30 config: gnea/grbl b) laser mode: gnea/grbl If $30 = 1000 in your settings, that 1.5% power
I currently have: $30=255 $31=0 I should set $30 back to default of 1000 to achieve the correct %'s? I set it to 255 a while ago. I think I set it to that because what I read for it to work correctly with Vcarve and using the engraving tool with the laser. What would be the advantage of 1000 vs 8000?
Doesn't matter what its set to (as long as your version of control is up to date - OpenBuilds Software - FREE Software for CNC Control: OpenBuilds CONTROL and OpenBuilds CAM) - it scales whatever the setting is for the buittons to be correct Where the setting matters is on your CAM side (making sure the GCODE is outputting the right S-Values to scale 0-whatever you have set in $30 - if you have $30=255 set, but your CAM thinks it should scale 0-1000, then your grayscale engravings are not going to look good (; Nothing, Grbl still just has 255 steps there - its all cosmetics - the 8000 was just to show that the dropdown calculates it automatically - in the serial log you can see I set $30=8000 and then you can see the dropdown has S values that scales according to that
My control is up to date. I use Vcarve for my CAM. Would S-values be the same as the laser burn rate? I've been talking with someone over there about getting that set up properly in Vcarve.
I have been playing with the burn rate to achieve the results I'm shooting for but now I'm not sure if I should considering it might effect the control. I'n not sure how to ensure the CAD/CAM settings are close. When you mention leaving the default at 1000 to help with the post sides are you referring to the post processor?
Peter, So I was messing with the $30 numbers and a test file I have for different laser power setting (10% - 100%) and the lower I go with the $30 number the more powerful the power output seems to be. If I set to 1000 the laser will not start burning until around 30% to 40%. If I set it back to 255 it will start burning around 10% - 20%. I have the JTech 2.8w if that makes a difference. Does this scenario sound correct? Your post earlier made it sound like this number shouldn't have an effect on power because its all calculated however I'm finding its making a difference. Am I doing something incorrectly?
$30 is max output. $31 is min. All you're doing by reducing $30 is shrinking the scale that grbl's working with. If you were sending S100 and it was 10% at $30=1000, now you're sending S100 and it's 40% at $30=255. If you'd sent S400 before, you'd have got the same result. It's all just scaling for your CAM convenience, not because it physically changes anything. Are you typing the M3 S# lines into the serial send, or selecting them from the dropdown?
Thanks Rob. This makes perfect sense now. I didn't realize that $30 and $31 were like a sliding scale and by changing them your basically either adding or subtracting the amount of values you can work with. I have decided to stick with 255 just because I'm already familiar with the scale at that value. I created a macro to achieve the power setting that would produce the faintest beam possible for laser alignment. So essentially I'm typing in the M3 S# into the serial send. I don't have my laptop in front of me for the exact value but I think its something like M3 S12 or 13. (1.2% or 1.3%)
I figured that would explain the mystery variation; had you looked at the dropdown between changes, you'd have seen the S numbers change for the % numbers. Cool to do it as a macro though, I just slide the bCNC spindle slider as little as possible, haha. Gotcha. Usually S16 or something, maybe S21, At 0-1000 scaling.
Mark I am trying to use the open build with my 4 axis ox and when i set the code to define y axis mirror and define dual y axis the one motor will turn and the other does nothing. I am usin arduino uno with cnc shield. If i try motors individually they work i have installed grbl 1.1h Thanks Doug
A few gripe after a bad experience with openbuilds control software. 1. The pause, stop, and abort buttons. I don't get the reason to have a stop button if there is a likelihood of missing steps. Isn't that the point of the abort button? I often use the pause button to.. pause and take a test measurement but if I hit stop and dont have an overpriced block of aluminum to re-zero, I'm left eyeballing and for most of my work that's just rubbish. At the very least, let us customize the toolbar! Think about it, we could add macro buttons, remove of disable buttons that we don't need or want! WHY IS STOP NEXT TO PAUSE! 2. keyboard controls. Why does space START a file? I would only expect that to pause or unpause. If i'm in the middle of changing bits and have the file loaded, bumping the spacebar is going to be a bad day! Also can we PLEASE have a keyboard control on/off toggle? if its on IT ALWAYS moves x/y/z if its off it NEVER moves x/y/z none of this wheres the last place in the UI you clicked? Maybe it works, maybe not! 3. TOOL CHANGES I know this is "in-progress" but none of you kit has tool changers, why would your software not support manual tool changes? PLEASE!!!!!!! I appreciate the work you guys do but also don't be like Microsoft and release unfinished unfriendly/overly simple software! Openbuilds software feels like its 94% of the way there can we please have the last 6%? I would even consider paying for it (assuming it had outstanding documentation) Sorry about the angry rant. Please understand it's because I really want to like your software and its so close that it makes it that much more frustrating.
Thanks for the notes you can change Space to anything you want... wizards and tools, customise keyboard shortcuts Toolchanges, is indeed in progress. Polish takes time, all our post processors are setup to split the jobs in the meantime, not really a major difference. Thats all the Toolchanger basically does too. Stop streaming, hand you full control, start streaming when you say so. abort is immediate stop. Stop is a feedhold, then clears the queue pause next to stop, i hear you on.
Not in the uploader at this time, but you can use the instructions in the Grbl wiki to upload using the regular Arduino IDE method
Great! I'll do it that way. Does the standard GRBL 1.1 support servos or is there a special build for servo support?