Hi I am very new to cnc, could anyone advise how to get the slider controls to work on the black box, also how best to connect a 2.2 kw vfd to the black box Please
The feed/tool overrides in CONTROL? You click and drag them, thats all. Read the Overrrides section underneath gnea/grbl to understand it better (read the whole Grbl wiki, very empowering, goldmine of knowledge) Along with your VFDs manual, see docs:blackbox:connect-vfd [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Thanks for herring back, I have tried sliding them while working, with no effect? I have tried to read up and keep going back, slowly getting there with each snippet of help
The Wiki explains the relation between the overrides and the Max Rate settings. Same applies for Max RPM. So there are relations between configured Maximums, what the GCODE says, and what the override can do to stay within that envelopes. For example: If Grbl settings > Max Rate is set at say 1500mm/min. You run gcode with F5000s in there, it gets limited to 1500 by the Max rate setting. Sliding the Override overrides the F value, you can push it up all you want, Max Rate is doing what it should to protect the machine and keeping it at 1500... Same for going slower, if you put it at 50% but was F5000 x 50% = 2500. Still above the 1500 from max rate setting, so no noticable difference. Same applies to Tool Override. If $30 Max RPM is say 1000, you sent gcode with M3S1000, overriding +200% cant do anything as its already at 100%. But if you had gcode sending M3S250 (25% of max rpm) you could override +200% to get to 50% of max rpm, and it would do it because it doesnt exceed the maximums. So, tune your machines actual Max Rates first, pay attention to CAM settings so values fall within valid envelopes etc