Depends on - are they bipolar steppers - are they rated between 1A and 3A - do they have +-3v coils - are they low inductance (1-3mH) Post the datasheet
More info in what i am needing to looking into would help peter so i can pull up the spec sheet when i get back home to my file cabnet
Compare the values in your datasheets to the accepable ranges above. If its too far out of spec they wont perform well
I dont think what u want to compair it to will work does it need to be bipolar unipolers or 1 amp or two amp
why you being so vague and not tell me what to look for is this how you help every body peter i need to know what to look for i am not going post all the stepper motors motors ihave just tell me please what the specs i need to look for
Can you show us a photo of the model number? Or a link to where you got them? Or maybe can you provide something like this: Any of this will give him the information he needs to answer your question.
Already did. Right above... in my first reply! You motors should match all the criteria of course to be perfect matches and perform optimally I am offering my time to help you check if they are suitable, but would need to see the specifications on your motors' datasheets to do so. There is no YES or NO answer to the question. It depends on which parameters, differ in which way - from those values I can give you a qualified "Yes, they'll work just fine", or a "specification xyz is wrong because of abc, and accordingly they may work but suffer from performance degradation in area xyz" or even outright "no, they are unsuitable as parameter xyz means it will not work at all because of abc" - until we look at your specifications which up to here is 100% unknown, we can't really answer your question Not sure why you would be hesitant to provide the information, so I can advise you whether you can use them on your machine or not - just trying to help after all.