A few years ago I built a 4'x4' cnc using hi torque nema steppers and a sparc xpro v2 board. Currently I can only run the steppers at max speed of 160"/sec. That is as fast as I can go before it cuts out. I assume it is because the board doesn't have enough power. So here are my questions. Can the new black box controller run these steppers faster. I see it has more amps. Also I was looking at adding limit switches. I was looking at the xtension limit kit. But I am not sure these will work with my xpro board. These require 3 wires and the switch connectors on my board only accepts 2 wires.
What are your $110-$112 settings? In grbl that is where you set the maximum speed allowed. If it is set to 160" per minute you will not be able to go faster. You said 160"/sec. If you can go that fast you don't need to go any faster. If it is that they cut out due to overheating -- those DRV8825 stepper drivers are not very good for CNC Mills -- then yes the Blackbox would be better.
Yes sorry it is at to 160"/min. I have tested various speeds and that is the max I can run it so i set grbl to that max speed. I am assuming the xpro board has only 2.4 amps but I see the black box has something like 4.8 amps. I was not sure that was why I can only go 160. Will having more amps from the newer board allow me to go faster. Thank you for the reply.
Realistically the xPro has <1A RMS before it starts having thermal shutdown. Maybe 1.5A RMS with a fan. BlackBox has 3.2A RMS, 4.0A peak. 160ipm = +- 4000mm/min With some tweaking of acceleration settings and properly adjusted machines, we have seen >8000mm/min on the BlackBox with our TR8*2 leadscrews.
Thank you for the info. So it sounds like I need to think about an upgrade. With more speed and adding limit switches with RF. I tried adding limit switches but I get all kinds of interference and it will not home. It starts then stops getting an alarm 8. And since I can't add the 3 wire limit switch to this board that is why I am thinking of upgrading.
Planning on making the upgrade to the black box. My Xpro v2 board is in perfect shape. Any suggestions on where I could sell it? Also since my machine running with the OB 8mm lead screw 1000mm i am concerned after thinking about it a little more, that since i m at 160"/min, I am worried I am approaching the max rev for these screws. If i get the new black box and it can traver faster what would be the point if i am limited by my screws...Thank for all the help.