Hey guys, just updated the control software. Went to probe just my Z axis and for some reason when my bit touches my plate, it doesn’t stop and keeps pushing down until I quickly stop it. What is going on??? Am I doing something wrong here??
Thanks! I would’ve thought the opposite. I wonder if that’s why it was intermittently working. Sometimes it was find others it was pushing
That's exactly why. I've made the mistake of putting it on the round of the collet nut (dewalt) and had the same problem.
Something to be aware of I have recently been having problems with the probe and bit. Seems that there was a pine pitch buildup on the router bit (90deg V Bit) preventing a good contact I have taken to occasionally wiping the V bit with solvent.
Best recommendations for cleaning bits? Two of mine are gummed up and I tried cleaning them but it didn’t work that well.
And thats why you should check the Probe by lifting the plate to touch the endmill, while checking the Troubleshooting tab sometimes confirm continuity before proceeding
I have a can of alcohol (not the drinking kind) use that it will usually dissolve gum pitch quite well. I have large drums of pitch solvent for sanding belts but find the alcohol works just as well.