Peter - I downloaded the new 1.47 firmware and restarted my wasteboard flattening job. This way every inch and position is covered. It ran about 2/3 of the program and this time it did not freeze but gave me the following error. I assume this was one of the home switches triggered. Can you tell me which switch it was? In the meantime, I am going to rewire the Z and X switches (only two that really flex) and re-run the test. Fred
No one can, Grbl handles hard-limits as a port based interrupt (all pins at once) so not even Grbl knows which But if it was an actual limit hit, its easy to see because the carriage will still be touching the switch. If it didn't actually hit, it was a EMI inducted false-limit: See docs:blackbox:faq-emi [OpenBuilds Documentation]
What if it was a switch wire that is making an intermittent connection. Will take me about twenty minutes to rewire switches. I am not going to replace but run wire in parallel so I can go back without taking the chains apart.
Could be, though wires usually break - going to be hard to short two wires together inside insulation? Or are you running NC switches? Either way - find whats broken and fix it (even if what's broken is EMI)
Peter - Replaced the wire to the Z and X switches but left the old ones in place to test. It ran much better. Almost an hour before I got an alarm. I then decided to remove the old switch wires and retest. Did a complete resurface of my wasteboard and even using my vbit a complete one-inch grid and it ran the whole process without any alarms. I have a very busy day and will be running the machine for at least three hours so we will see how it does.
Peter - Good news I have now run the machine for over 5 hours and they have been hard hours and not one alarm or any issue. Not sure what I really fixed. Maybe it was the old wires that had an issue with EMI. Maybe just the fact that I. redressed all the wires. I am just glad I am back in business. When this machine gets into a grove it is awesome.
My Openbuilds milling mackine is located in a place where there is no internet connection. I have prepared both Black Box v 2.7 and Flashdrive as FAT32, but when I try to run a file, the following appears on the screen on the Interface .(I can run the file I use on the PC, but not on the Interface).
Check the GCODE file for invalid characters (stuff that doesn't fit the GCODE spec like "%" start/end of tape indicators, etc) and remove invalid characters from the file Only gcode allowed in the list on gnea/grbl should be in the file
Thank you for your replay. I looked after the extra on the file names, but can not find anything --- or? se the attached pictures: Sometimes it stop here.
Not the name, inside the file... Open the file in a text editor, or post the file here if you'd like us to check it Things like this: Is not Grbl compatible. Raises the error you saw. CONTROL we try to filter out the garbage - but Interface doesn't have the resources to preprocess the files for you. What goes into the file should only be valid GCODE and Comments
Line 1 of your gcode, contains a "%" as does the last line "%" is NOT valid gcode, delete that line from the file
Edit the Post Processor and remove the "%" addition section / speak to your CAM developer about removing those ancient artifacts to avoid the need to edit the files manually
I've finally had the time to set up my interface, but there seems to be a problem. regardless of what I try, the interface's screen shows nothing but a blank white screen. It beeps and the green lights illuminate when power is applied but the screen is just blank white. doesn't show the logo on power up either. this problem started when I began the firmware update process. update over WIFI failed so I opted to update via OpenBuilds CONTROL. I followed the directions to the T but that's when the white screen problem appeared. While troubleshooting, something caught my eye; the AUTORST jumper was not jumping either RUN or FLASH pins. Instead it was installed jumping the 5V-AUX and 5V-USB pins. That was how it was received from the factory. I transferred the jumper to the RUN position like it should have been and retried updating through openbuilds CONTROL. serial output on CONTROL stated the firmware update was successful but the Interface board still shows a blank white screen. Is my board fried?