I have a CNC4Newbie 1000 using Open Builds Black Box. The machine has worked fine for a few months now and then today it just stopped let me manually jog it, it makes the sound like the motors are trying, but it doesn't move. It will move to home fine and it move to zero setting fine, but it will not let me move with manually with jog. Also, I did do the update on for the Black Box today. I can jog the machine fine on LightBurn software. I would be grateful for any helpful advice. Thank you
Hi Sacto, sounds like your jog speeds changed and its trying to move too quickly? (Also can be acceleration too high) capture your GRBL settings and post them here, also check your jog speed settings on the control software. Cheers Gary
Gary, here are my open builds Grbl settings. I have an 80mm spindle hooked up to a VFD, which operates independently.
Gary also asked for "check your jog speed settings" . I believe what he (and I) are thinking is that your jog rate is set too high. If so, it would explain why you cant jog, but you can home since they use different feed rates. Tell us what you have your jog feed rate set to. Its on the main screen under the jog buttons. Also, it might be helpful to know if you're jogging in Incremental or Continuous mode.
There's your problem. Its not that the motors arent moving. Its that you have it set to only move 10mm a MINUTE. That's just over 3/8" in ONE minute. Bump that up and you should be good to go. For comparison, I jog at 4000mm/min
Thank you! that was the fix. I feel like such an idiot, but I guess we learn during the process. I appreciate everyone's help thank you!