I'm new to all of the features of the Black Box --- it's soooo small. LOL Does the door sensor when activated stop the program? If it does -- could you use as an Emergency Stop.
Theoretically, but in case of an actual emergency, you'd prefer a switch wired into mains right before your power strip. One hit should cut power to everything. Just pausing machine motion is not enough. What if the PSU is on fire, router is one fire, someone is being electrocuted, etc. You cannot predict the nature of the emergencies it may face, so cutting power off completely is the safer option. Easiest options: Safety Power Tool Switch
Thank you for answering so quickly. Shutting off the power is an option - maybe the best but how does the program react to being jerked around with a sudden lose of power. I'm old and I remember how Microsoft's early programs reacted when they weren't shut down properly, like when the lights go out. I'll try my Estop wired inline with the power supply.
The emergency already ruined the running job. You start over anyway. Don't compromise safety, things can go wrong very fast. If you just want to pause, pause in software. Spacebar is the default keyboard shortcut, doesn't get easier