I just installed a BlackBox motion controller and Touch Interface on my FrankenMachine. Prior to this my stepper values were all about 49.9ish steps/mm. After installation and recalibration my steps per mm are now about 199ish. Is this normal? What causes this? I'm pretty new and there are things I'm just beginning to really understand. This large change has me puzzled. Thanks.
Suspect you had this round wrong 199-200 is spot on for our leadscrews, running 1.8deg motors with 1/8 microstepping.
It was originally an XCarve but then upgraded with the TBDCNC screwdrive kit and screwdrive Z axis. The 49.9ish values were ones he provided. Either way, at the end of the day, if it's spot on now, then I guess I'll stop worrying. I ran the calibration wizard using calipers to measure my marks. Got things to within .25mm so far. How far down the rabbit hole do people go chasing fractions of a mm? I'm just a hobbyist.
Depends what you want to make with your machine - +/- 0.25 mm is good enough for most woodwork projects - wood can change size by that amount or more within hours of being cut. Alex.
I appreciate the replies. I'll try one more calibration run tomorrow and then leave it. I can't imagine doing much requiring more than .25mm precision. I'll only be woodworking and maybe some PVC.