I keep getting an error on an impossible arc but the diameter is 0.9 inches and shouldn't be a problem. I was joining an arc, lines, and a circle. Here is the code, what could be the problem. T1 G17 G20 G90 G0Z0.200 G0X0.000Y0.000 S15000M3 G0X3.360Y7.609Z0.200 G1Z-0.188F10.0 G3X3.094Y4.560I6.379J-2.092F40.0 G2X5.192Y3.282I0.545J-1.466 G2X3.894Y1.552I-1.552J-0.187 G2X2.109Y2.774I-0.255J1.543 G2X2.356Y7.816I13.497J1.867 G2X2.622Y8.216I0.530J-0.065 G2X3.005Y8.253I0.239J-0.469 G2X3.322Y8.021I-0.132J-0.514 G2X3.360Y7.609I-0.485J-0.252 G1Z-0.375F10.0 G3X3.094Y4.560I6.379J-2.092F40.0 G2X5.192Y3.282I0.545J-1.466 G2X3.894Y1.552I-1.552J-0.187 G2X2.109Y2.774I-0.255J1.543 G2X2.356Y7.816I13.497J1.867 G2X2.622Y8.216I0.530J-0.065 G2X3.005Y8.253I0.239J-0.469 G2X3.322Y8.021I-0.132J-0.514 G2X3.360Y7.609I-0.485J-0.252 G1Z-0.563F10.0 G3X3.094Y4.560I6.379J-2.092F40.0 G2X5.192Y3.282I0.545J-1.466 G2X3.894Y1.552I-1.552J-0.187 G2X2.109Y2.774I-0.255J1.543 G2X2.356Y7.816I13.497J1.867 G2X2.622Y8.216I0.530J-0.065 G2X3.005Y8.253I0.239J-0.469 G2X3.322Y8.021I-0.132J-0.514 G2X3.360Y7.609I-0.485J-0.252 G1Z-0.750F10.0 G3X3.094Y4.560I6.379J-2.092F40.0 G2X5.192Y3.282I0.545J-1.466 G2X3.894Y1.552I-1.552J-0.187 G2X2.109Y2.774I-0.255J1.543 G2X2.356Y7.816I13.497J1.867 G2X2.622Y8.216I0.530J-0.065 G2X3.005Y8.253I0.239J-0.469 G2X3.322Y8.021I-0.132J-0.514 G2X3.360Y7.609I-0.485J-0.252 G0Z0.200 G0X0.000Y0.000 M5 G0Z0.200 G0X0.000Y0.000 M2
If Grbl says the Arc cannot be created, it cannot be created. Some of the values are just off. Is this hand coded or out of a CAM. If its from a CAM, which are you using, and are you sure its Grbl compatible?
It is from Carveco Maker and it is one of the drop down selections. I guess it confuses me since it can carve the inside of a circle of 1/2 inch diameter but can't make a larger curve cut. Can it have to do with how the vectors were joined?
In that case, if you used the Grbl post, direct the possible bug at Carveco Support & Training: Get help when you need it to address, thanks - as they edit the built in posts
the arc radii are different by 0.0007" which is enough to make it impossible fro GRBL to draw. You can try setting your post to use more digits of precision, it is currently using 3, but if it used 5 there will probably be enough precision to remove this error.