hi doing a home build just wanted to ask before i pug anything in black box takes 24 volts if it get over that what happens (hoping it blows a fuse and dose not turn into a thermonuclear device )
You will void your warranty and damage the BlackBox. Same risk applies to using unbranded power supplies. Good clean power please, highly recommending the very trusted and proven 24V Meanwell Power Supply Bundle
I'm in the UK and got my power supply and black box from ooznest So if I set power supply to 20volts and left a little head room ?? Would eveything still run using 2.8 amp steppers
Ooznests PSUs are good too. Set it to 24v, why bother moving off known working and as designed defaults?
Docs.openbuilds.com/blackbox has nice big warning triangle sections on pages where you should be careful. With notes on what not to do. For example, don't short V+ to GND while wiring limits: warning on this page: docs:blackbox:connect-xtension-limit [OpenBuilds Documentation] in the IMPORTANT WARNING block
Thanks for the warning I bought these two wire limet switch Original WorkBee Replacement Limit Switches - Ooznest | Kits, Parts & Supplies There clear red and black wiring but two wire Can these be used with the black box?
Using the menu on the left of the documentation pages to navigate, should allow you to get to docs:blackbox:connect-micro-limit [OpenBuilds Documentation] which carries its own warnings. Note though you may want to upgrade to Xtension switches anyway, onboard EMI filtering (; troubleshooting LEDs (; so much better.