I’m thinking of buying this device but I’m confused about the hole. It seems to me that it’s very easy to position a bit in a multitude of places within the hole. Because of that I’m a bit confused to how that works, can anyone help?
Checkout video below. Regular probing (skip assembly, watch from 1min40sec onward) and Auto-mode that uses the hole too You position it above the hole, approximately. From there it first uses the outside edges to detect the bits location relative to the puck, then it goes inside safely by itself, to check endmill diameter, whereafter it can use that diameter to calculate and set the correct offsets. NB you don't have to let the wizard measure the endmill, this is Auto Mode. You can just type your measurements in yourself if you mic out your endmills.
btw, I found the magnet was just not usuable. Would constantly slip off when probing x/y. I added an aligator clip probe wire I had around and that works much more reliably. I would recommend replacing the magnet witha clip in future versions of the product.
Were you using it on the bit or collet. It sticks very well to the flat on the collet. Crocodile clips are dangerous (more so than the magnet) in case one forgets to remove it. Major part of the decision between the two
I was having trouble getting signal through some of the bits at the time, but I was newer at this. I'll try the flat of the collett at let you know. Thanks.. I have to say the support we get from OpenBuilds, both here and on the Parts store is very good.
Did some testing last night and you're right, it works well from the flat of the collet. I would recommend updating the image in the Probing wizard, I was following that at the time and having the magnet continually falling off. Thanks again!
Not a bad idea at all! Logged as an enhancement request: Probe Wizard Graphics · Issue #215 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL - thanks!