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I need help!

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by Tim H., May 12, 2021.

  1. Tim H.

    Tim H. New

    Dec 6, 2020
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    I have an Openbuilds Lead 1515 pieced together in parts (all openbuilds parts). I have a Meanwell 24V PS, a Blackbox and XYZ Probe and a Router11, have to wait for INTERFACE, everytime I try and get one their out of stock.

    I have had a few problems working the bugs out and reading forums to get it so that it becomes something reliable.

    1. When I first put it together, during the leveling of the spoilboard, it kept quitting saying the hard limit had been tripped but I was standing in front of it. and not touching it.

    2. I unplugged the limit switches and it seemed to run for an hour or two and then did it again.
    I then specified in the GRBL setting that I was not running switches. and that one hasn't happened again.

    3. Then during a long Job (couple hours), it quit after a couple hours, saying the feed rate was undefined (error 9), I read on some websites that this was probably a communications error problem.

    4. I was surmising the problem could be induced voltage because I wired the power to the router through the drag chain. So I re-ran the power wire to the ceiling and plugged the power and IOT there. It is on a different circuit (breaker).

    5. In reading through some of your forums about various problems and that the culprit is power....specifically grounding, well since I'm the one who built the table (3X3 and 2X3 steel and welded) and wired a 10ga. extension cable to it for power. I checked ground and it is properly grounded my breaker box is in the garage, the LEAD Machine is bonded to the table, everytime the magnet for the XYZ Probe touches anything metal the little green light goes on.

    6.Yesterday, after the undefined feed rate problem I was able to run several hours of things (stock leveling and such) I thought maybe I was ok..... This morning while setting for todays CNC projects, I see that there is a new firmware code version 301 for Blackbox control and I install it, I started a stock leveling job that is the start of a large 23X30 inches 3d job that is a gift to my son-in-law, 3 hours in to a 6 hour 3D roughing , the CNC stops with no warning and nothing on screen error wise. The router was still on and the only change was the X position was at some huge negative number.

    7. After tearing a chunk of my hair out and inventing new cusswords in languages I've never heard, I move Z and Y to zero and they are in fact physically 0, z was -56000.something and was definitely wrong so I reset that and reran the job, this time in about an hour it ruined the work. X was about 3 or 4 inches off of where it was supposed to be.

    8. I run a Dell G5 laptop, with the FTDI drivers and also USB selective suspend off (disabled), I also run it with power and screen on never sleep.

    I am so frustrated and cant seem to nail this down, so any help is appreciated.


    Tim H
  2. Alex Chambers

    Alex Chambers Master
    Moderator Builder

    Nov 1, 2018
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    That might be a clue - have you got a connection between mains EARTH and DC GROUND? There shouldn't be any connection between your metal framework and the ground of your electronics.
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  3. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    See docs:blackbox:faq-emi [OpenBuilds Documentation] - EMI causes comms issues too. Do you have dust extraction? (also covered on the linked page) as a often overlooked source of EMI.

    Short as possible USB cable in use?

    Try a different PC too.
  4. Tim H.

    Tim H. New

    Dec 6, 2020
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  5. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Check Alex's point too, above. Very valid

    From here, elimination game. Turn off router, run an aircut. Turn off vacuum, run an aircut. Seperate limit switches (you are using the good ones right?) wiring from stepper motor wiring. Keep eliminating components until you find the source
  6. Tim H.

    Tim H. New

    Dec 6, 2020
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    yep, Openbuilds limit switches (I'll assume that's the good ones)
    also eliminated dust collection because I only recently got that up and running and problems were from before dust collection (aka BDC)
    I'll run a standard extension cord to the power strip instead of the emergency off button. I'll see if that changes the AC/DC ground conundrum, however im trying to get my understanding inline with that because the whole idea of the light going on is for it to sense the ground, which it is doing.

    Also, on a related idea I have the Lead 1515 and as such have two motors Y1/Y2, can I also slave a second motor on the "idle" c-beam of the X axis ?, what may be going on is the the X axis could be "skipping" steps. I don't think I was pushing the speed to much 100 in/min with a 1/4 DC flat end mill 0.1875 into resonably soft pine. but it does feel stiff when hand turning the motors (before you ask yes power off).
  7. Tim H.

    Tim H. New

    Dec 6, 2020
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    Does GRBL sense or know that a motor is skipping steps ?
  8. Tim H.

    Tim H. New

    Dec 6, 2020
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    Or the relationship between Blackbox and GRBL I should say
  9. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    These ones are the good ones docs:blackbox:connect-xtension-limit [OpenBuilds Documentation]

    Well keep at it, the false hard limits alarms indicates something is interfering with your Limits wiring, just a matter of putting in the time to isolate bit by bit until you find the source, then address whatever the source is.

    Did you dial down Max Rate to a tested maximum after adding the second motor: gnea/grbl - and maybe also acceleration. Changing the physical configuration of our machines, does mean you'd have to retweak the Grbl Settings, as our profile is meant for our exact as-built configuration.

    Negative. But its not skipping steps per se - more a case of the increased Back-EMF from the second motor causing stalling. More, not always better (; - Single motor, but maybe moving it to the lower beam, is more than enough.

    Out of interest sake, what was the purchase date of your BlackBox?
  10. Tim H.

    Tim H. New

    Dec 6, 2020
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    I think you misunderstood, the 1515 is in it's stock configuration, my question was HOW or even CAN I ADD a second motor on the idler c beam x-axis....like the existing Y axis configuration
    So 2 motors on Y and 2 motors on X, with 1 motor on Z.....how could that be wired Into the Blackbox? Also Purchased on 3-1-2021
  11. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Oh, you can (parallel motors) , but, as above, I wouldn't recommend it. The dual Y is because of the distance the beams are apart. On X you just need one motor.
  12. Tim H.

    Tim H. New

    Dec 6, 2020
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    hello one and all !!

    So I have an update on the sudden stopping of the blackbox after machining for awhile, and what I've done so far

    1.) Seperated and isolated the AC ground from the steel frame the Machine sits on
    2.) Re-wired the router 110v from the drag chain to an overhead 110v and hung the router power wire from that. different circuit breakers
    3.) while i was trying a long carving job again, after about 2 or 3 hours i thought i was in the clear, however i went to go check on the machine and it was running fine, i noticed my dust collection hose was getting very staticky and sawdust was clinging to it (quite a bit actually). right then and in front of me it quit with no forewarning at all. (I swear it flipped me off and laughed). The serial interface just said "port closed" on the OB control. I thought maybe i found the culprit.
    4.) I completely grounded the entire ducting system to earth ground from the Circuit box. The ducting is mostly galvanized steel ducting. I grounded it with 6ga braided copper ground strap. additionally I passed the wire through the center of the Flexible section of the dust collector and grounded it to the Metal ducting.
    5. ) I also took an old laptop that I had and installed Elementary Linux and then used the OB Control for it and reran the job. the good news is no more static and sawdust flying through the air and jumping from electron to electron. BAD News is it still quit saying port closed after an hour or 2.
    6.) I've rerun this job so many times, using the same piece of wood, that I'm starting to get some data that might be helpful.
    7.) I was thinking that USB Might be the problem so i Finally got the INTERFACE and set it up, it worked perfectly ....for awhile. and then it quit, BUT, over the last 4 or 5 times of running this job with the same wood, i discovered ITS QUITTING SOON (1/2 hour or so) AFTER GETTING TO FRESH WOOD TO MACHINE !!
    8.) When i setup the interface I removed the USB cable from the BB and did the updates to v1.47 and wifi setup and all went perfectly, computer is out of the equation when the job quit there was no other info on INTERFACE screen.

    Quitting is defined as router turns off and machine stops moving

    Anybody see that wild goose fly, I'm needing some exercise.


    Tim H
  13. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Check the Serial log in CONTROL when it stops. That will give you a clue
  14. Tim H.

    Tim H. New

    Dec 6, 2020
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    sorry I'm unclear with the response. is there a log file on INTERFACE ?
  15. Tim H.

    Tim H. New

    Dec 6, 2020
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    oh, on an aside about the INTERFACE. I'm loading the Gcode to the IP address from my computer and it is loading perfectly. but I made a depth of pass change and then tried to reload it to the IP address and it errors out saying file exists, can I delete the file on the USB with the INTERFACE? or can I set it up to automatically overwrite OR do I have to change names with every modification to load it to the INTERFACE ?
  16. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Negative, thats why I said:

    Having more details, its easier to troubleshoot from the computer. Interface is great as a standalone machine interface, but when you are doing more advanced stuff like hunting for faults, you want the software tools instead

    At this time its just an uploader. No delete/overwrite etc yet. Use a new name. Or take the USB to the PC

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