OpenBuilds thank you I need some help I have a 1500/1500 ox workbee I’m struggling it’s homing on the back right corner im homing in my work and im using your openbuild carving and when I start the job it literally starts past my job and right up to limiting switch also there is nowhere to add a 1500/1500 on your drop down box and no where to add size of work on your trial carving of openbuild please head me in the right direction also im in the United Kingdom thank you
Ox? or Workbee? Those are two different machines. We also never offered a 1500x1500 Workbee, from where is the machine? What controller are you using? Normal, see Frequently Asked Questions · gnea/grbl Wiki Did you remember to Set Zero? (Homing sets machine coordinates. You have to set Work Coordinates to tell the machine where the STOCK is) And what does the description right above the dropdown box tell you? (; Not sure what this means, we do not offer a 'trial' so please elaborate READ the ENTIRE Grbl Wiki: GitHub - gnea/grbl: An open source, embedded, high performance g-code-parser and CNC milling controller written in optimized C that will run on a straight Arduino - all you need to know is in there
That looks like a workbee with a Duet controller (please confirm @bryan robbins). If so it will be set up to home in the back, right, up corner. The alternative controller would be an Xpro if its an old machine (over 2&1/2 years). We need to know which controller in order to help you - the Xpro is a grbl controller and will work with Openbuilds software, the Duet uses Rep-Rap variety of g-code and will not - it does come with its own control software. Also, it would help to know what software you use for cad/cam (designing) if it's the trial version of Vectric software you can only output the g-code to control your machine from a few "tutorial" projects. Alex. Edit - got a better look at the pic - I think it's an OX, in which case the controller is almost certainly an Xpro V3.
Then download CONTROL from Read the BlackBox Documentation at And read the Grbl documentation at Once you have a overview understanding of it all, and made sure your machine is setup correctly (follows Cartesian standards, homes correctly, axes calibrated) then try the Hello World example in the Blackbox Docs (Section 4.3). One you have some basic jobs under your belt (OpenBuildsCAM is more beginner friendly) then you can visit more advanced CAMs (again, discussed in the Documentation on under the Software section) Until you read the documentation (yes even the boring bits contain info you need to know - read all of it), and watch our videos on YouTube, you will keep feeling overwhelmed. Knowledge is power. There is no spoon-fed shortcut. From that base of knowledge you can come back with specific questions of course. Re-read my reply in post #2 of this thread - you glossed over and didnt check my reply and the questions I asked in turn yet. Cooperation will just ease resolving your issues in the end.
Here is the questions you havent answered several of us trying to help you, summarised again: Sitting down, focussing on the questions, and giving proper detailed and direct answers gives us the info we need to help you.
Hi sorry yes we homed in towards the front left corner and then as you can see xyz is all at 0 position there is no where too add my size of wood as a test piece I already have downloaded openbuild control that’s the test piece I’m trying to carve I try and start job sometimes it will hit the test piece or go straight over it right to the front and start carving at nothing then it will hit the limit switches they are placed one at left back corner and one at front left corner two on the top central rail left and right also then an emergency button I have enclosed a picture of the drop down box I was presuming it was 1500/1500 as I didn’t know it was any different I have an old version of vectric v carve pro the license was transferred over to me I have also tried opening a file and then saving the job to my documents but on the create a new file there is on the left hand side where you do the drawings I have set the job the job type and measurements and start position I then open tool paths and set the material added tool piece then I move onto the next section I don’t know what to put in the post processor drop down box I’m really sorry the way I first asked for help I should of explained it more clearer and I hope I have done it I’m new to this but I have been working with wood for over 30 years but not so good on the computer thank you again Bryan
You HOME to establish Machine Coordinates Then you ZERO to tell the machine where the origin of the Stock is (Work Coordinates) You set the STOCK DIMENSIONS in CAM (Vectric) as well as where the origin is (Corner of stock, center of stock, top or bottom, etc) - make sure to zero in the relatively same place on the stock - so the real world reflects what you told Vectric you were going to do. For an OX you cannot use that profile, its for a different machine. Follow the Grbl Wiki and set up your parameters manually, with the incorrect profile you will overshoot Read the Grbl Wiki and set it up fresh with custom values. This is your main issue here! You cannot just use the wrong profile. Select custom and set it up RIGHT by reading the Grbl Wiki. Most importantly: Steps/mm (see Grbl v1.1 Configuration · gnea/grbl Wiki ) is way off if you use the wrong profile. Select CUSTOM in the dropdown, then move down and populate the fields. You can use the settings from OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine as inspiration, but NB with a machine like yours there are so many unknowns you got to work them out to be sure - no way of knowing how close to the original parts were used, whats different, and the old settings is from years ago for older Grbl versions too. Don't use as-is, consider it merely a guideline Make sure to use the correct Post processor: docs:software:vectric [OpenBuilds Documentation]