I have the Xpro V5 running 4 stepper in an XYYZ configuration. It was working on a previous machine with the same stepper motors. I purchased a workbee and transferred all of the electronics and motors over to it and now I can't get any motion at all. I am fairly new to this and could use some troubleshooting advise. Also the motors are not getting hot at all and they are not locking up. Here is the GRBL settings: $0=10 $1=255 $2=7 $3=0 $4=0 $5=1 $6=1 $10=3 $11=0.020 $12=0.002 $13=0 $20=0 $21=1 $22=1 $23=1 $24=1500.000 $25=1500.000 $26=25.000 $27=2.500 $30=2500.000 $31=0.000 $32=0 $N1= $N0= $100=201.027 $101=201.027 $102=201.027 $103=200.000 $104=100.000 $105=100.000 $110=1500.000 $111=1500.000 $112=1000.000 $113=1000.000 $114=1000.000 $115=1000.000 $120=150.000 $121=150.000 $122=300.000 $123=200.000 $124=200.000 $125=200.000 $130=800.000 $131=450.000 $132=100.000 $133=300.000 $134=300.000 $135=300.000
From your vendor: Are you using the proper grbl flavor? I assume you are since you just moved everything over, but the V5 xpro is pretty new, so just checking.