Just want to verify. I received a version 2.8 blackbox but also received the TVS module in the package. Do I need to install that to run my interface or not ?
You do not, no. As per docs:interface:prepare-blackbox [OpenBuilds Documentation] V2.8 and onward has "no preperation required" - just another way that the BlackBox has evolved over time The TVS ships with the Interface (not the BlackBox), because Interfaces ships to customers from all walks of life, often including retrofits to older machines with v2.3-2.7 BlackBox'es from before the addition of the Interface to our lineup. The warehouse does not know what version of BlackBox you might have and will be fitted to, so it is included for every Interface. Thus, the inclusion of the module, to help retrofit older BlackBoxes - just throw it out if you have a newer one