i just recently got the interface that I have setup and its working great, but the XYZ probe is telling me cant find install? Is there a software I need to install to black box...or do I need to setup with laptop?
Sounds like you're missing the probing routines that should be on the usb drive on the interface. Look here: docs:interface:prepare-usb-drive [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Thank you, I downloaded the wizard to my flashdrive and went to install but I don't see steps of what to install from probe file...can you assist?
You should RUN the Wizard from within CONTROL. The wizard does that all the installing (well, copying) for you, it puts the needed files on the flashdrive. Eject, put back into Interface and away you go. Check if you can browse the USB drive using the Open File button
I did the wizard and put into interface but I think my problem was I was thing you had to install files into the interface. I think I may have missed some steps, there were two files in the flashdrive probe and another that looked like machines. So i just put in the flash drive and then try and xyz ?
ok tried this and got an error 5 no probe found...tried to rehome machine and it started going the wrong way on the x axis
when opened the drive it had profiles and I select the 1010...thought that was mine but they may be causing issue...machine is not running like it should. I even tried to run off computer to home machine and its going the wrong way
Your grbl settings are on the blackbox. They are not in software or the interface so it wont matter what you use to connect. Its going to continue to go the wrong way until you either change it in settings are swap your wires. Easiest thing is go into settings and change $3 for the motor jogging the wrong way. Once you get your machine jogging correctly, then you can fix homing direction if that's still an issue. That setting is $23.
im kind of on this subject but have a question.... my custom Sphynx build is set up correctly and on computer contol software jobs properly however, on the controller INTERFACE i just bought, X and Y jog opposite to direction of arrow i hit.. is there a setting in there to reverse this at the interface?
CONTROL and INTERFACE boths sends the same commands. Random direction changes may be wiring, see the Symptoms section of docs:blackbox:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] (assuming of course you did apply any direction inverse setting to Grbl parameters, or reset/reloaded settings - a working setup will just work)
ok ill look but I havent changed anything, maybe where I was standing with laptop software i reversed it but when I run a file it is not backwards... hmm
If it works right on the PC, and you go to the interface it will work right too. Just jog straight away. If it has random direction changes etc (see above, refer the Symptoms list, see if it applies) its likely wiring.
nothing random.. it worked as it should and i have been using the interface for awhile but its just been a pesky issue I havent delt with lol. anyway I havnt fully tested my settings but I reversed the XY in settings and then used the interface which now jogs correctly... ill try carving something maybe tomorrow morning and see if it makes everything backwards lol i guess if it does then maybe i have a wire on the interface backwards since it is jobbing backwards now on laptop but interface works correct lol
whats why i think its wiring to the interface then... but i will test later lol .. and if thats the fact ill need go back into the control software and change back XY direction lol. now since i have this clarity .. initially I started with the mini and then started converting it over into xl which morphed into a full size 40x40 Sphynx.... works awesome... but if Id known up front i was going to do this id gone for the lead since its more configurable
Thats not how digital data works You can wire your motors the wrong way round (but that would also be consistent irrespective of the host used - CONTROL and Interface are both just hosts that send commands to Grbl.) but not the Interface wiring. You cannot wire a serial data bus wrong (also, firstly its a premade cable) and get the result of reversed directions - that's not how a serial comms cable works. The Jog buttons (on Interface, in CONTROL and in/on any other hosts) just sends a command in a text string to Grbl (see Grbl v1.1 Jogging · gnea/grbl Wiki) over Serial/USBSeri- if you did take apart the premade cable and swopped some wires, you would not connect at all because the data bus hasn't been wired correctly. If it connects and you can see the DROs and get jobs and commands to it, that wiring is fine Yes, set it up so it follows the Cartesian Standard. Once its set there just unplug the USB, plug in Interface and it will jog the same. Its the same command set (I wrote both CONTROL and the Interface firmware)
ok... hmmm that makes sense ... ill have to do another test when i get home... as of now... using the interface works fine once I changed the direction of XY so now it moves the direction of arrow i use...