Hi there! I am trying to cut some pieces and well.. I noticed it's not cutting at 90 degree angle... I made a little sketchup to show how it seems to cut... I compare with a square and it seems to cut this way (pic below), not square at all. I cutted 2 pieces and they are not identical... Any idea what's going on? Is there any calibration to do? Having a hard time to figure out what can be the issue. Thanks
Your machine isn't square. Here's loads of topics on the subject: Search Results for Query: squaring the gantry | OpenBuilds
Check that your machine is square. Start by measuring the diagonals of the frame - they should be within +/- 1 mm of each other. Then, with the Y gantries at one end, check that each side of the Y gantries are equal distances from the end frames. If they are not, with the power off, disconnect the Y motors from the controller and turn the leadscrews (or motors if it's belt drive) until they are. Connect everything back up and jog to the other end. Measure the distance of each Y gantry from the same end frame. If they are not still equal tell us what the discrepancy was. Alex. (Snap @sharmstr)
power off yes, but disconnecting, you mean removing the motor right or just turn the power off? I tried adjusting, the Y axis (y2 motor line). I turned off the motor, turn the leadscrews until I was at the same distance from the cap end (from Y1 motor line). Then, power up again, move on the Y axis and the y2 line went wrong again, like if we twist a cable and we let it go... I had issue with the nut block when I installed them, the leadscrew wasn't turning at all, had to remove motor, dry lube, drill and made a few pass... Thanks for your help!
You dont need to remove the motor, but disconnect the wires or risk frying your driver. Your frame isnt square then. I have a similar issue and it was due to the ends of the X gantry not being cut square. I put shims between the end of the X c-beam and the end plate. Out of square on a Workbee 1010
I actually meant, with the power off, disconnect the motor wiring from the controller - the motors act as generators when turned by hand, creating high voltages which can damage your stepper drivers. It sounds as though you have a mechanical issue with Y2. Try loosening the nut blocks on that side and then see if the gantries stay synchronised. Alex.
@Alex Chambers with both y1 and y2 motors connected right and just move y+/y- to see how they behave. I took a look at my main frame, yeah, it was not squared 100%, few mm. I adjusted it, then proceed to the Y2 adjustment, it spring back... I'll try the nut blocks loosing thing and report. Seems a lot of people are having issue with "spring back" and issue squaring the thing and so on... I start regretting buying it. (had issue since day 1, missing items, nut block too tight (can it be the cause then... dry lube if and use a drill to make few passes) And have it for like a week ... Thanks for prompt support though!
@Alex Chambers I loosen the nut blocks... square it back.. then played with the jog I noticed, while doing y+ y+ y+ ... sometimes the leadscrews was turning clockwise and sometimes, counterclock.... What can be wrong? Thanks
Wiring issue. Probably a loose wire: Check out the troubleshooting section here: docs:blackbox:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Have you checked your motor shaft couplers? If one is loose then the gantry will get out of alignment. One move isnt so bad. But multiple moves will make it worse and seem like the motors are running at different speeds.
No, they are stepper motors - the two Y motors both receive the same instructions to move the same number of steps . If they move a different number of steps (typically each step =1.8°) then there is a mechanical reason. Alex.