Hey All, I had an automatic update of control on Thursday which immediately crashed and gave me a com port communication error message. It subsequently would not load after shutting off. I've just uninstalled control, done a system check, Windows 10, all clear, fresh download of control, same problem... the program icon shows up on my home screen and acts like it is starting up then stalls. It does not show up on my toolbar as active or on task manager as running. I'm stumped (not difficult ;-) thoughts? thanks, dkw
I have uninstalled the current program, gone thru all the "recommended" steps to remove file remnants from program files, temp files, checked registry and got everything but a couple of residuals that trigger "cant remove files they are currently in use, close the program and try again" . Open Builds Control is nowhere to be found at this point, thoughts... Thanks, dkw
shutdown and restarted, Open Builds Control reappears in the program files but wont uninstall. this keeps going around in a circle...
FWIW... In my meanderings I discovered I was a version behind in my windows 10 updates. I crossed my fingers and downloaded, got a clean uninstall of Control, reboot and reload, everything is working as it should. Thanks again!