Ho Everyone, I am sure some have stumbled upon this problem already. When outlining how to do your cut lets say that you have a square and you only want to cut three sides, how would you configure something like that. I noticed that you are only able to profile complete squares and circles. In this picture, how would you just have it cut the red areas and not go to the back of the piece? I have to get some L angle aluminum and cut some holes etc in the piece and I need to figure out how to not chop the L part off the piece as I am profiling the sides and front. Thanks
Easy way is to lie to your cam and make your .dxf file larger on the side you do not want cut so the endmill goes around without touching it. However, when I have done it, I placed the L bracket on a fixture so the L hung down offer the edge of the fixture like this. You can do it be with an engrave tool path as well in Estlcam. Generate the tool path by hand and go slightly past.
Actually, in Estlcam, you can manually select where it cuts, so you do not have to lie. Just make the paths go beyond by more than the endmill diameter.
I have tried when selecting part, and go back and forth from all three sides to complete the shape and it does crazy things when you do the preview. Maybe going beyond the dimensions is the way to get it done.
Make sure you have the latest version, updates are frequent. Upload your file here so we can look at the crazy parts. Cheers Gary
Hi Gary, Its really no big deal, I was just curious if this could be done. But from what i see you can always manually make the path longer than you want so the bit doesn/t mess with the areas that you don/t want to touch.