See OpenBuilds Software - FREE Software for CNC Control: OpenBuilds CONTROL and OpenBuilds CAM and try out CONTROL Also see docs:software:openbuilds-control [OpenBuilds Documentation] Further reading: docs:software:overview [OpenBuilds Documentation] You can use other senders like UGS but v1.0.9 is incredibly old! According to Release v1.0.9 · winder/Universal-G-Code-Sender - it dates back to 2015! - That is 7 years ago... It's also older than the first versions of Grbl 1.1 so probably not compatible with Grbl 1.1 (1.1 only came out in 2016) which uses a different protocol to Grbl 0.8/0.9 from way before. Rather use Download - UGS to get the latest version if you do need to use UGS CONTROL screenshot: Please also see section 7 of the OpenBuilds Rules: Terms of Service and Rules | OpenBuilds - English only please
I understand what you are telling me, but I am a bit clumsy when it comes to software, I have been using UGS V1.0.9 for several years together with Aspire 8.5 and so far it has worked well for me, what I intend is to give a point of professionalism to my Self-built CNC. My last acquisition has been a YL620-A with a 1500W/220V motor and it has greatly improved the operation of the CNC. My next advances consist of changing the electronics (Arduino UNO) and a new PCB that I discovered a few weeks ago that are added to the nema 23 motor to convert it into a closed-loop motor, this last intention seems to be interesting to take advantage of my Nema23 and not have to buy new servo-motors.
Unfortunately time to move on - 1.0.9 won't work with with Grbl 1.1 - not that hard to use new software though and you are missing out on awesome new features
OpenBuilds CAM is software similar to Aspire? and should OpenBuilds Control be the software to use instead of UniversalGcodeSender?
You can generate your tool paths with Aspire and save them using the OpenBuilds GRBL post processor (docs:software:vectric [OpenBuilds Documentation]). They can then be cut with any GRBL based controller. OpenBuilds Control is a free and well documented controller. It has a lot of useful features. I can not speak for UniversalGcodeSender since it has been about 6 years since I tried it and have not used it since.