I have the openbuilds XYZ probe classic. In the openbuilds documents it says "At this time Interface only supports the OpenBuilds XYZ Probe Plus" I tried to use the classic probe both with the interface and with my laptop, but neither seems to work correctly. Is there software to use the classic probe? Cheers Lawrence
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Thanks for the reply. I don't have a "Probe Plus". I have the "basic" (Sorry, I said "classic" in my question) It only has 2 wires, none of the electronics underneath as the probe plus has. (picture below) As I mentioned, I tried to use the "Probe plus" setting in openbuilds control, but after it did it's measurements, it returns to a point in my material. About 2 mm too deep on the z axis, 2mm into the material on the Y axis, and about 7mm on the X axis. L
The picture is not an OpenBuilds Probe (With classic I though you meant our old Z probe) We only ever sold the Z probe (round puck shape one) and the XYZ Probe Plus. However, select Custom from the probe-type list and enter your dimensions and offsets. 3rd party probes are supported this way
I bought the probe through an openbuilds dealer in Canada called makerparts. I assumed it was an openbuilds product. However, on makerparts website I found the G-code for this probe. G38.2 Z-25 F100; G91 G0 Z3; G91 G0 X-50; G91 G0 Z-8.2; G38.2 X30 F100; G91 G0 X-3; G91 G0 Z8.2; G91 G0 Y-50; G91 G0 X50; G91 G0 Z-8.2; G38.2 Y30 F100; G91 G0 Y-3; G91 G0 Z8.2; G10 P0 L20 X34.355 Y-17.255 Z8 I just made a macro by copying and pasting this into the Macro tab. I gave it a try but it stopped when the Z axis made contact. Below is the error message I got. Cheers L
OpenBuilds CONTROL > probe > under probe type select Custom > click the Gear icon > Enter dimensions of the offsets in XY and the thickness in Z
I did try to enter numbers for a custom setup. It didn't work. Perhaps I entered the offsets wrong. For Z offset I measured the thickness of my plate, 6.4mm For X and Y offsets, I measured the thickness of the shoulder around the edge of the plate, 12.7mm. Did I do right? Cheers L
I ran the custom setup. The Z axis went down and touched the plate,stopped, then jogged to the edge without lifting. When it got past the edge it just stopped.
Sounds like your machine isn't set up properly yet. Calibration, acceleration, max rate etc. Could also be mechanical slippage in Z Refer the assembly videos' software section and make sure you loaded the profile, and ran the Hello World