I've been using Blackbox with Fusion 360 post processor (Swarfer?) successfully for about 2 years. I recently switched to a spindle and when posting I'm getting an error my RPM is below min value. How can I tell the post processor to lower the RPM value? Thank you
You can configure Minimum Freq on the VFD itself, RPMs lower than that limit, starts at the minimum configured regardless (as spindles have a minimum which you should not drop below) Don't change the Post, M3S24000 should be 24k-RPM. M3S6000 should be 6000RPM. M3S10 should also be (for example) 6000RPM so aircooling still works - but - the VFD controls that, not the gcode. Let the VFD protect itself and the spindle as it should
I can send m3s6000 and it'll display that rpm on the VFD as well but I'm not sure what the minimum rpm is for my spindle. I can set it to 1000rpm and it'll do that but it sounds like I'm not supposed to? I think I'm following you but I don't want to get the popup in fusion every time I post below the rpm value.
Exactly, that will kill the spindle! See your VFD manual for something along the line of "Minimum Frequency" and set it up correctly Ahh gotcha now, @David the swarfer: Can we add an option for VFD spindles under router type - that caters for the lower ranges on them?