Hello, When I probe for z axis using OpenBuilds Control on computer it touches the probe plate (14.15mm thick) and lifts off 6mm for an end result of 19.15mm in z.( which is exactly what it should do ). But When I probe using the hand held interface it touches the probe lifts off ,reads 14mm in z when complete. why the difference in results between probing from the computer and the hand held interface ? I set up the probe settings with the interface plugged in via USB to the computer.
Interfaces default probe macros assumes our Probe. For custom probes you have to manually edit the probe macros on the Flashdrive (not by setting up the wizard with Interface connected as you assumed, sorry)
Thank you, good to know. Would be real handy if it relayed the info to the interface via save settings. I would have your touch plate if it wasnt out of stock all the time. Hope I can get it soon
Peter- What do you need to change to make the custom values for the offset? I opened all the macro files in notepad from the USB. Do I just replace the "Z<zoffset>" with "Z5" for a plate thickness of 5mm? That works for the Z offset, but what about the X/Y locator. Those touch offs are dependent on the bit diameter. Does it look for the bit diameter in the first line of the probe screen (1/4, 1/8, etc) and apply 1/2*Dia. that to the formula? How do I calibrate to my wall thickness for the non-OB probe? Again, I would just buy yours if it were available, but looking for a work around. -Eric
For Z yes. For XY you cannot manually edit - the <placeholders> are replaced on the fly to accommodate the bit diameter. Custom probes will soon be available as a setting, for now consider getting the official OpenBuilds Probe
Peter- For a work around for now, do I need to just pick a static cutter size (1/4") and then offset 1/2 the diameter+ wall thickness? I have a corner finder that is 3.02mm thick plate, the L shape second layer makes the offset 12mm out from the stock on the corner- both sides. Looking at the x,y,z probe file in the interface USB (assuming 1/4" (6.35mm) cutter) would I change the following (in GREEN): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; Header G21 ; mm mode G10 P0 L20 X0 Y0 Z0 ; zero out current location G1 F1000 ; Probe Z G1 X22.5 Y22.5 ; position to center of logo- assume cutter positioned over hole at start G38.2 Z-25 F100 ; Probe Z G4 P0.4 G10 P0 L20 Z3.2 ; Set Z3.2 where 3.2 is thickness of plate G91 G21 G1 Z5 F1000 ; retract G90 ; Probe X G1 X-50 Y10 ; position to left side and move forward a little to be closer to center of edge- moved to 50 to give more room for movement G91 G1 Z-11 F1000 ; position next to plate by lowering G90 G38.2 X55 F100 ; Probe X- matched pervious +5 from offset was 25 for 20 now 55 for 55 G4 P0.4 G10 P0 L20 X-15.175 ; set X as offset and half endmill diameter assume 6.35mm cutter and 12mm offset plate- 15.175mm total G91 G1 X-2 F1000 ; retract G1 Z13 F1000 ; position next to plate by lowering- don't you mean raise back to new z=0 position? I raised up 2 extra mm to clear the plate G90 ; Probe Y G1 X15 Y-50 ; position to front side and move right a little to be closer to center of edge- moved to 50 to give more room for movement G91 G21 G1 Z-13 F1000 ; position next to plate by lowering- moved back down to the same position as the X probe height G38.2 Y55 F100 ; probe Y- matched pervious +5 from offset was 25 for 20 now 55 for 55 G90 G4 P0.4 G10 P0 L20 Y-15.175 ; set Y as offset and half endmill diameter assume 6.35mm cutter and 12mm offset plate- 15.175mm total G91 G21 G1 Y-2 F1000 ; retract G91 G21 G1 Z11 F1000 ; position next to plate by lowering- don't you mean raise back to new z=0 position? G90 G1 X0 Y0 ; return ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks -Eric
Correct. Only change the <offset> fields to static values, rest of macro should be fine (to be tested)
Peter- Thank you. I will give it a try. The Z-probe seems to work. Both the OB probe and the one I have have a hole for center finding. How do you set up a macro do do that? I have a 20mm hole that would center the hole on the X/Y corner of the work piece. This is the sample code I found on github, but not really sure how to make it into a macro, it doesn't run as is. It does not appear to be complete. Curious if there is a center finder solution that I haven't found yet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ %X0=posx,Y0=posy G91 G38.2 Y20 F30 %YBACK = posy G1 X[X0] Y[Y0] G91 G38.2 Y-20 F30 %YFRONT = posy G1 X[X0] Y[Y0] G91 G38.2 X20 F30 %XRIGHT = posx G1 X[X0] Y[Y0] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Error is: [11:50:50] [ ] error: 1 - G-code words consist of a letter and a value. Letter was not found. [ %X0=posx,Y0=posy ] [11:50:50] [ ERROR ] error: 1 - G-code words consist of a letter and a value. Letter was not found. [ %X0=posx,Y0=posy ] [11:50:50] [ %X0=posx,Y0=posy ] error:1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks -Eric
Not for Interface, but OpenBuildsCONTROL has amazing Macros like Getting started with Javascript Macros in CONTROL / Library of Macros created by the community
Peter, Thanks! That is very helpful for control. I really like the Java script options for Z probe and center finding. Is there any chance of this coming to Interface in the future? Customizable menus would really be awesome on interface. Eric
Not quite on the road map, for advanced use cases like that a computer is better. INTERFACE is intended for "just run it" setups