My question to the forum is the relay switch is on back order till June what can I use in place of it...need to finish my build but June is to far
For now, manually turning the router on before starting a job, and off at the end is always an option
You can get a similar relay from Langmuir Systems - look under their MR-1 options and there appears to be a similar relay for sale. Not sure if you need to order it as part of a package or if you can order it individually. Its located in "other accessories" when selecting options for an MR-1 build. I was browsing through here when they launched and happened to notice it listed for $79.
Believe it or not, it actually works. I have been using this method for six years on my CNC router without a single failure yet! Weird since I am usually the weak link/point of failure in the whole tool chain I have the IOT on the lathe though. It is nice having something automatically turning it off when complete.
You could also use the black box relay to turn on a relay capable of controlling the router. If your up for a wiring project. This can be pretty inexpensive.
As long as you run that past your local Sparky. While what you say is true, we err on the side of safety and rather not make that recommendation.