Ok, so looking for some insight. Currently building a new 4836 rack & pinion CNC and I coming from an Openbuilds Workbee. I’m using my Openbuilds blackbox which I have working on the 4836RP. I have changed all GRBL settings to those recommended for my new machine and it jogs in all the proper directions and sounds normal until it builds a little speed and then it binds up stops and sounds like the cog is spinning. Then it’ll allow you to continue jogging and happens again with a little speed. This happens in all directions and on all axis’ except Z which is still leadscrew. I’ve been told the micro stepping needs to be adjusted to 1/32nds on X, Y1, and Y2. I know it’s possible on the blackbox after reading the docs, just not quite sure how to go about it. Seems like a risky procedure with the soldered mode caps. Anyone done this adjustment?
No that would slow you down and also lower torque Leave it on 1/8th Stalling during a long move means you have Max Rate set too high in Grbl Settings. See the Grbl Wiki for the tuning procedure
Grbl v1.1 Configuration - just calculate theoretical steps per mm based on your mechanicals, then fine tune using CONTROL > Wizards and tools > Calibration