Hi, how to configure estlcam v11 to use it with OpenBuilds blackbox? Anyone can write me step by step configuration? Thank's.
1) Under the set-up tab "basic settings" pick your G-code "flavor." I chose grbl. 2) Under Set-up tab "program settings, chose what you want again. I picked grbl and I prefer millimeters. I did nothing to all the other tabs in this window. 3)Under the set-up tap "CNC controller settings, you need to put in YOUR calibrated steps/mm. The 1600 steps per revolution is for 1/8 microstepping (8 x 200) for motors that have 200 steps/revolution. The settings pictured here are the default settings so you need to figure out yours. Put in the theoretical and then dial it in from there. You also need to figure out what acceleration ratings work for you. On the right you can see that you can scroll down (second picture). The numbers listed there will be associated with the inputs on the rest of the tabs in this window. You will then need to go through each of those tabs and add whatever peripherals (dust collection, spindle, etc) that you have hooked up to the black box. After that is done, go back to the first tab, make sure the Blackbox is plugged in, and click on "program controller." If for some reason you want to not use Estlcam, click "restore controller". If you hold your mouse over any of the options, you will get a description of what it does and how best to set it up. See below. I am not sure what machine you are trying to control, but if it is an OpenBuilds machine with high torque steppers I can give you screen shots of my settings. I have the acceleration dialed in through trail and error and the amount of time it saves on 3D carves is amazing. I have the IOT switch connected to the spindle output so it turns on and off my spindle.
@Giarc thank's! I have stepper motors OpenBuilds nema 23. Screws ACME 8mm. My machine is like 1010 but smaller, 750mm. On forum I found some information that I can use Xpro setup in estlcam for blackbox, is that right? Or better way to use grbl 1.1 as You describe?
Use grbl. Here are my settings on the Lathe using all OpenBuilds components. It is 1000mm along X. My Y axis is normally a rotary, but I added a removable Y table using the same lead screws. Again, you will probably have to adjust to your machine. I reversed direction because of how it was wired. My Blackbox does not control the speed of the router so I believe these are just defaults. Inputs Outputs - This is for the IOT power strip the router is plugged into. Homing - My machine is custom so the sizes listed are not what you would use. These are basically the "soft limits". The X should be close though if you have a 1010. Touchplate - My settings look wonky because it is a lathe and zero is set to the center of rotation. In Vcarve I always zero to the center. So my probe is one of the older OpenBuilds probes with no edgefinding I zero on top of the tailstock block and the probe height is added to the distance to the center of the axis.
Xpro uses at328pb chip, BlackBox 4X uses at328p. Not the same. Keep Grbl else you are locked in to EstlCAM
Another thing to note, in your basic settings tab, make sure you choose the Z axis origin to what you prefer. Top of workpiece, or machine bed. One of these you can screw up without damage, the other wrong choice leads to a broken endmill and ruined work piece.
Did you find answer to this? I am trying to get estlcam to control the controller but does not seem to connect. Get error always.
EstlCAM's firmware is for old 8 bit arduino based controllers. Won't connect to newer 32 bit grblhal based systems... You can use it as a CAM > export gcode and connect and run through a more modern host if you really wish to use Estl as a CAM. Otherwise use one of the more modern CAM options docs:software:overview [OpenBuilds Documentation]