Continuous jog uses 1000 as a large value to achieve the jog state. In my case 1000 exceeds all three axis max travel. Can OpenBuild be modified to use these max travel parameters instead of 1000?
That is as-designed and works great Lift your finger before the machine hits the end of travel. If you are fearful of crashing, enable Soft Limits (that forces CONTROL to calculate actual distances. The reliance of whether Soft Limits is enable, is thats a sure fire way of making sure your Homing/Travel is set correctly as well, as if those are wrong, you won't be able to Jog around)
I had enabled soft limits ($20=1) and I got an error 15 for each axis. Apparently it takes a re-start of OpenBuild Control for it is now working. Thanks.
More likely it needed the machine to Home to establish the boundaries of the Soft Limits. Glad you got it working