After many months of building a workshop to house my new CNC and actually building it I finally switched it on today.. Its a RatRig KillerBee 1515 with Black box control and the hand held interface I used the Workbee 1510 machine profile and changed the actual size to 1280mm on both axis. It jogs about now in the right direction, but when i tried homing, it started moving along the Y axis towards the front, the switch as recommended by Ratrig is at the rear on the Y axis on the rear of the Y axis? What have I done wrong ?
Our default profiles puts the switch in front, left. No worries just head over to the Grbl settings tab once more, scroll down to Homing Dir invert and tell Grbl where the switches are installed Save and reset when prompted Remember to take a Backup of your now customized settings if you need it later
Many thanks its going in the right direction now, but I have noticed now after loading the Workbee profile, every 20mm the axis moves it says on the control panel its moved 100mm ?
Make sure your steps-per-mm values are correct (around 200steps/mm for our leadscrews) If you are running 3rd party components (eg non-openbuilds motors) - may need to dial down Acceleration and Max rate as well - could be stalling (see Grbl v1.1 Configuration · gnea/grbl Wiki and Grbl v1.1 Configuration · gnea/grbl Wiki) Also check grub screws on shaft couplers - may be mechanical slippage if left loose
To expand on what Peter said, the Workbee profiles are based on OpenBuilds machines . The OpenBuilds 1510 machine is a belt driven machine, not a lead screw machine. That's why its not moving the correct distance.
Oh good catch! Thanks! Yes a belt driven machine would not be a close-proxy to use as a profile Use the LEAD1515 profile instead - remember to change homing dir again, etc
Thanks, The Workbees of today are all worm screw machines now, they used to be belt driven a few years ago
The OpenBuilds Workbee 1510 is still belt driven. That's why the profile in Control is still setup for belts.